Saturday, January 23, 2010

Leaving on Jet Plane...dispatches from afar.

Hey blog readers...well I am not really far yet(as I type this), I am actually just sitting in South Bend Regional Airport (SBN for all my airport friends). I hate to run close in the airport, and I hate lines at ticket counters. So I get here early...

Well yesterday was a total odd ball day for me. I worked, but we didn't run a single call. As a matter of fact the engine only moved on to the front drive to clean the floor under it, and back in when the floor was dry. I wasn't really sure I liked that day...I actually do like running calls.

Today we hit the shopping front for Sharkboy. He needed some new shoes. As his current footwear seemed to be bothering him and when questioned he said they felt tight. So being good parents we decided to get him some new shoes. We heard that New Balance in front of the new Martin's was really good for help sizing and they had some really cute errr I mean cool shoes for kids. We went and they were right. We payed a little extra but they fit him perfect and he loves them. While we were on the road Sharkboy did his usual singing along with the radio. He usually doesn't know the words, but he listens to the chorus and picks it up and just sings along. So there was a song on that the chorus begins "Life is good, but Eternal Life is better" Well the 5 almost 6 y/o interpretation of that was "Life is good, but a turtles life is better". Needless to say Jenny and I had a pretty good life. I love those moments.

Florida is the destination tonight. I am staying with my best friend...I mean we go way back...For purposes of the blog we will call her "Bean Counter". I am really excited about this trip. With her living in Florida our friendship for the most part is limited to phone conversations, e-mail, Facebook and the occasional visit in either direction. While down there I will be visiting with Athena. That is exciting as well. I plan to do some golfing, smoke some cigars, laugh, have a few beers and just generally enjoy life.

Well that is all I have for now...there will be more this week. Most likely with pictures...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps!

1 comment:

Aleea said...

Glad you came down my friend. Please remember to send me your mailing address for the cigar box. 'Til next time.