Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hey blog I started the final steps in getting ready for my trip to Florida. I am pretty pumped over the trip as a whole. But I am at that anticipation stage of the know the feeling, like a kid the night before a trip to Disney or a birthday or a fun trip with the family. Time seems to stand still...

So today I did the brunt of the packing for the trip this afternoon. Shorts laundered and packed, t-shirts packed. Laundry is going right now so I have clean underwear and socks. The whole packing thing is a bit stressful, but the end result I know will end up with me bringing way too many clothes and thinking after it is all said and done, why did I bring so many clothes. There are cigars to pack, golf shoes to pack and surprises for my hosts (I love I won't say anymore). Will my bag come up under weight? Did all my electronics I require to function daily get in the bags. The whole thing is enough to drive a person to therapy.

I have to keep in mind the end result...a trip to Florida to visit dear friends and just enjoy life. It is my New Years resolution after all...

Just some of the things that I want to accomplish while I am down in Florida. Hang out with Athena, get some golf in, smoke a few cigars (especially one of my Christmas presents), golf, and visit with Bean Counter, Ivory Seller and Little A(one of my closest friends, her husband and their 3 y/o son). I called and plan to visit the Rocky Patel plant as well...but we will see how that turns out, the more research I do, the more skeptical I am that it is a home run(and after all, why settle for a base hit, when you can knock one out of the park). I am not sure if there will be any manufacturing or if it is just a distribution facility and retail outlet. Finally just relax and enjoy some "not snowy" weather.

Sharkboy is not looking forward to the trip. He keeps telling me that he will miss me and that when I get home he is going to shower me in love. Until recently, I wasn't even sure if he knew what love was. We talk on the phone and he says I Love You at the end of every conversation. I wasn't sure if he thought it was the right thing to say, since that is what Mommy(Jenny) and I always say or if he really meant it. I think now that he means it. No singular example, but I feel it. I talked with him and he understands how long I will be gone and seems to be accepting of it.

Work has been pretty much the same. Monday night was a killer. Up until 4:15 am! Not exactly the night one would dream of. We are referring to it as "That night back in January that we got kicked hard". After a nap on Tuesday...things all seemed to improve. I truly feel that it is an honor to help people when they need it most, so I try to keep it in perspective. That night we helped and ultimately that is what counts. Other than that example it has been pretty good. Merger seems to be going along very nicely and it is exciting to be on a 5 station department.

Well it is time to finish the process(for now)...Sooooo

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps!

1 comment:

marci81 said...

Sad that Orlando will not be in your plans, maybe I can meet you halfway one day?!?! Call me!!