Thursday, January 7, 2010

The rampage...

Hey blog I have spent a lot of time on the phone expressing my disdane with several of our public services. Now understand, I am a very patient person. I am actually one of the last people that complains at a restaurant let alone calls to complain. I mainly stay a complain to my friends kind of person.

Well on top of the plow problems the City of South Bend is having, apparently the recycling people have decided to become fickle. For the last 2 collection days they have skipped over us. They continue to say that it is not out and they skip over us. Today, I felt it was time for a call...I seem to be on a role. So I called, and they basically told me that I didn't have it out in time and that I would have to wait until next week...really? They said they do not make return trips. I asked if there was a supervisor to speak with and the supervisor told me there was nothing that could be done...AGGGHHHHH!!!! So while I was on the phone with the recycling company...the trash man pulled up. I ran out and asked if he would just take my recycling...he said he wasn't supposed to but he would. Problem resolved! (Just pissed that it had to all be thrown away)

Well another call to the street department today, but apparently they don't have office hours after 3:30. So I will call in the morning.

Great news to report. Sharkboy today recieved an award. "Acts of Kindness" award was given for helping tie his friends shoes. That's my boy! Way to help out your fellow man Sharkboy!

Well more tomorrow...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps!

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