Saturday, January 9, 2010


Hey blog readers...productivity can be measured on many scales. Frankly the way I measure productivity is with this simple equation: Productivity=What I want to get done - What I get done/the time it takes me to get it done(not really mathamatical...because I don't think I could actually put a number to it, but it is my blog).

Well today I actually started a written list of the tasks I wanted to accomplish. They are all done and it took me less than a day. So all and all I call that productive. You may measure your productivity differently, but for me, that is productivity.

I also want to take a few minutes to say Happy Birthday to Little Amigo (Mimi, M.i.L. etc...). I hope you are enjoying your day. Some people come in and out of our lives. You are someone who has been in my life for some time now. Thank you for being you. Thank you for raising a beautiful and smart daughter. Thank you for marrying my primary golf partner. You are an amazing person. I love you! (I don't think I guy could ask for a better mother-in-law)

Other than that today has been a pretty good day here at the station. Projects around the firehouse have filled most of the day...but again it was a productive day. Sun was out, and that always makes me happy. I just wish it would have been about 10 degrees warmer so I could have gotten out and enjoyed a cigar.

Not really much else to report. Jenny and Sharkboy are enjoying their day together (at least that is what they tell me). I am sure I will have more tomorrow.

Be Kind, Be Safe...Stay Warm.

Shalom my Peeps.

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