Friday, January 8, 2010


Hey blog readers...well good things come to those who ask(I modified the saying to fit my needs, it is my blog after all).

Today while I was having some left overs for lunch I heard and felt the familiar rumblings (no not my stomach) of the City of South Bend Burea of Streets snow plow. They finally made it to our neighborhood. I was so happy to finally have some work being done to our streets.

Also today we saw the sun...Indiana Perma-Cloud broke up for the day. The sun was out. Shine glorious sun shine. I know it was still only like 25 degrees outside, but it is amazing how good a few bright rays of sun can make you feel. Sun = Happy Me!

15 days and counting for the Florida Fun & Sun trip. I packaged up my clubs today and shipped them UPS. Now I know they will be there a week and a half early, but I thought I would get that task out of the way early. I have to say...if you have the means, ship your clubs. I am flying on Allegiant to St. Pete/Clearwater and if I would have checked 2 bags it would have been $40 each way for a second bag. $21 bucks later...clubs are on their way to Florida to await my arrival. I love options.

Well it is snowing again...nothing really to worry about, but snowing all the same.

Keep my Grandma(86 years old) in your thoughts and prayers. Yesterday she was taken by ambulance to the hospital. She had a Sciatica attack. It occured when she was in the bathroom and my Grandpa (87 years old) couldn't get her up. She is home again, but this back has been giving her problems for the last couple of years. I am actually getting ready to call her and get an update.

More tomorrow...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.

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