Sunday, January 10, 2010

Not a good night!

Hey blog readers...last night tragedy struck the Mishawaka PD, Mishawaka Fire & EMS and the community as a whole. So this entry will be my thoughts about this happening...

Cpl. James Szuba and his K9 partner, Ricky, were responding to an assistance call from another officer. While attempting to stop the suspect Cpl. Szuba and his partner were involved a 10-50(police talk for accident). Tragically Cpl. Szuba and his partner did not survive this crash, however the suspect did and was badly injured. Mishawaka Fire & EMS faced the task of then extricating the suspect from his vehicle where he was entrapped. They then transported him to a local hospital for care. Doesn't seem right does it, having to extricate a person who just commited such a hanus act? But it is...not easy, but the right thing to do.

So first off I would like to say, my families thoughts and prayers are with the family of Cpl. Szuba and his partner Ricky. My prayers also go out to each and every responder that did what had to be done last night on that call...Police Officers, Firemen, EMT's, Dispatchers all of you make me proud to be in the business.

This morning while watching the news, Sharkboy saw the story. He looked at me and with the most serious face I have ever seen him make, he asked if the policeman and his dog were alright. I made the split second decision to just tell him the truth. He just looked at me, then his eyes welled up with tears and he began to cry. I don't mean whimper, I don't mean whine, he cried...he got it. He said, after he pulled himself together, I am going to miss that policeman and his puppy. Every day I am amazed at what he can comprehend. He has never met this officer or his dog. He just knows that the world will be without those 2 and he doesn't like it. He has a heart bigger than I could describe. He cares and I hope he never lets go of that.

Some closing thoughts...keep your public servants in your thoughts today, especially Mishawaka Police, Fire and EMS. Sometimes look at the world through the Non-Jaded eyes of child. Never forget to tell the people that mean the most to you that you love them.

God Speed Cpl. James Szuba & K9 Ricky!

Be Kind, Be Safe,

Shalom my Peeps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing about this. This indeed was a sad thing that should have never happened. There is a Facebook group if you haven't already heard demanding justice for Cpl. Szuba and Ricky. Here is the link