Hey blog readers...well I am not really far yet(as I type this), I am actually just sitting in South Bend Regional Airport (SBN for all my airport friends). I hate to run close in the airport, and I hate lines at ticket counters. So I get here early...
Well yesterday was a total odd ball day for me. I worked, but we didn't run a single call. As a matter of fact the engine only moved on to the front drive to clean the floor under it, and back in when the floor was dry. I wasn't really sure I liked that day...I actually do like running calls.
Today we hit the shopping front for Sharkboy. He needed some new shoes. As his current footwear seemed to be bothering him and when questioned he said they felt tight. So being good parents we decided to get him some new shoes. We heard that New Balance in front of the new Martin's was really good for help sizing and they had some really cute errr I mean cool shoes for kids. We went and they were right. We payed a little extra but they fit him perfect and he loves them. While we were on the road Sharkboy did his usual singing along with the radio. He usually doesn't know the words, but he listens to the chorus and picks it up and just sings along. So there was a song on that the chorus begins "Life is good, but Eternal Life is better" Well the 5 almost 6 y/o interpretation of that was "Life is good, but a turtles life is better". Needless to say Jenny and I had a pretty good life. I love those moments.
Florida is the destination tonight. I am staying with my best friend...I mean we go way back...For purposes of the blog we will call her "Bean Counter". I am really excited about this trip. With her living in Florida our friendship for the most part is limited to phone conversations, e-mail, Facebook and the occasional visit in either direction. While down there I will be visiting with Athena. That is exciting as well. I plan to do some golfing, smoke some cigars, laugh, have a few beers and just generally enjoy life.
Well that is all I have for now...there will be more this week. Most likely with pictures...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hey blog readers...today I started the final steps in getting ready for my trip to Florida. I am pretty pumped over the trip as a whole. But I am at that anticipation stage of the trip...you know the feeling, like a kid the night before a trip to Disney or a birthday or a fun trip with the family. Time seems to stand still...
So today I did the brunt of the packing for the trip this afternoon. Shorts laundered and packed, t-shirts packed. Laundry is going right now so I have clean underwear and socks. The whole packing thing is a bit stressful, but the end result I know will end up with me bringing way too many clothes and thinking after it is all said and done, why did I bring so many clothes. There are cigars to pack, golf shoes to pack and surprises for my hosts (I love anticipation...so I won't say anymore). Will my bag come up under weight? Did all my electronics I require to function daily get in the bags. The whole thing is enough to drive a person to therapy.
I have to keep in mind the end result...a trip to Florida to visit dear friends and just enjoy life. It is my New Years resolution after all...
Just some of the things that I want to accomplish while I am down in Florida. Hang out with Athena, get some golf in, smoke a few cigars (especially one of my Christmas presents), golf, and visit with Bean Counter, Ivory Seller and Little A(one of my closest friends, her husband and their 3 y/o son). I called and plan to visit the Rocky Patel plant as well...but we will see how that turns out, the more research I do, the more skeptical I am that it is a home run(and after all, why settle for a base hit, when you can knock one out of the park). I am not sure if there will be any manufacturing or if it is just a distribution facility and retail outlet. Finally just relax and enjoy some "not snowy" weather.
Sharkboy is not looking forward to the trip. He keeps telling me that he will miss me and that when I get home he is going to shower me in love. Until recently, I wasn't even sure if he knew what love was. We talk on the phone and he says I Love You at the end of every conversation. I wasn't sure if he thought it was the right thing to say, since that is what Mommy(Jenny) and I always say or if he really meant it. I think now that he means it. No singular example, but I feel it. I talked with him and he understands how long I will be gone and seems to be accepting of it.
Work has been pretty much the same. Monday night was a killer. Up until 4:15 am! Not exactly the night one would dream of. We are referring to it as "That night back in January that we got kicked hard". After a nap on Tuesday...things all seemed to improve. I truly feel that it is an honor to help people when they need it most, so I try to keep it in perspective. That night we helped and ultimately that is what counts. Other than that example it has been pretty good. Merger seems to be going along very nicely and it is exciting to be on a 5 station department.
Well it is time to finish the process(for now)...Sooooo
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
So today I did the brunt of the packing for the trip this afternoon. Shorts laundered and packed, t-shirts packed. Laundry is going right now so I have clean underwear and socks. The whole packing thing is a bit stressful, but the end result I know will end up with me bringing way too many clothes and thinking after it is all said and done, why did I bring so many clothes. There are cigars to pack, golf shoes to pack and surprises for my hosts (I love anticipation...so I won't say anymore). Will my bag come up under weight? Did all my electronics I require to function daily get in the bags. The whole thing is enough to drive a person to therapy.
I have to keep in mind the end result...a trip to Florida to visit dear friends and just enjoy life. It is my New Years resolution after all...
Just some of the things that I want to accomplish while I am down in Florida. Hang out with Athena, get some golf in, smoke a few cigars (especially one of my Christmas presents), golf, and visit with Bean Counter, Ivory Seller and Little A(one of my closest friends, her husband and their 3 y/o son). I called and plan to visit the Rocky Patel plant as well...but we will see how that turns out, the more research I do, the more skeptical I am that it is a home run(and after all, why settle for a base hit, when you can knock one out of the park). I am not sure if there will be any manufacturing or if it is just a distribution facility and retail outlet. Finally just relax and enjoy some "not snowy" weather.
Sharkboy is not looking forward to the trip. He keeps telling me that he will miss me and that when I get home he is going to shower me in love. Until recently, I wasn't even sure if he knew what love was. We talk on the phone and he says I Love You at the end of every conversation. I wasn't sure if he thought it was the right thing to say, since that is what Mommy(Jenny) and I always say or if he really meant it. I think now that he means it. No singular example, but I feel it. I talked with him and he understands how long I will be gone and seems to be accepting of it.
Work has been pretty much the same. Monday night was a killer. Up until 4:15 am! Not exactly the night one would dream of. We are referring to it as "That night back in January that we got kicked hard". After a nap on Tuesday...things all seemed to improve. I truly feel that it is an honor to help people when they need it most, so I try to keep it in perspective. That night we helped and ultimately that is what counts. Other than that example it has been pretty good. Merger seems to be going along very nicely and it is exciting to be on a 5 station department.
Well it is time to finish the process(for now)...Sooooo
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hey Blog readers...not really sure what to say today. So let's see what unfolds.
Well I am not sure how many people read this blog. So here is what I would love for you all to do today. Show some love...leave me a comment so I know your out there. I sometimes feel like I am just sketching out my thoughts and they are floating out there in Internet space and that is about it...
I have spent the last few days getting ready for my trip to Florida in a week. I went out and bought some new jeans yesterday. I have been making a list of things to make sure I pack. Collecting surprises for my hosts and dreaming of sunshine and golf courses.
I am thinking of starting a new blog to run along side this one. I have this vision of collecting pictures of 3 of my favorite things and journal my adventures with them. I think the name of the blog will be called "Butts, Brews and Balls". It will have pictures and chronicle my adventures that include cigars, beer (mostly craft and micro brew) and golf. What do you think...again leave your thoughts.
Last night we went out to Giannetto's for Chicago style deep dish pizza. The usual gang was there and we had good time as always. Ate some yummy pizza and got to catch up with all of our friends. I love get togethers like that. Here are some pictures from the outing...
Jen and Amy
Kelly, Jenny and Karen
The Cake
Jenny and I
The Pizza...Mmmmm
Jenny and Morgan with Morgan's Present for Jenny
Well I am not sure how many people read this blog. So here is what I would love for you all to do today. Show some love...leave me a comment so I know your out there. I sometimes feel like I am just sketching out my thoughts and they are floating out there in Internet space and that is about it...
I have spent the last few days getting ready for my trip to Florida in a week. I went out and bought some new jeans yesterday. I have been making a list of things to make sure I pack. Collecting surprises for my hosts and dreaming of sunshine and golf courses.
I am thinking of starting a new blog to run along side this one. I have this vision of collecting pictures of 3 of my favorite things and journal my adventures with them. I think the name of the blog will be called "Butts, Brews and Balls". It will have pictures and chronicle my adventures that include cigars, beer (mostly craft and micro brew) and golf. What do you think...again leave your thoughts.
Last night we went out to Giannetto's for Chicago style deep dish pizza. The usual gang was there and we had good time as always. Ate some yummy pizza and got to catch up with all of our friends. I love get togethers like that. Here are some pictures from the outing...
Jenny is off scrap booking today...leaving Sharkboy and I to do boy stuff. We have played matchbox cars, remote control cars and he has effected several rescues of his stuffed animals. It is really cute. He has some make shift fire gear stuff...a coat from a costume, an old helmet of mine, a back pack(aka air pack) some snow pants, his snow boots and a couple flashlights. He is very creative. It is probably one of my favorite things to watch him do.
I hope you are all having a great weekend...remember to leave some love. Let me know your out there.
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Hey blog readers...well today the Captain of the ladder truck asked me to trade with him. He wanted a day on the engine. I don't exactly consider myself the biggest fan of ladder truck work, but I took him up on it. So far not a bad day...took in a medical at Sta. 2 when we were there. We will see what the night holds.
Not really a lot to report...Just your typical day at work.
Tonight they are having a Procession of lights from Mishawaka to New Carlisle in honor of Cpl. Szuba and Ricky. Last thing I heard on the radio was that the procession was 3 1/2 miles long. I wish I could see it. L.A. and F.i.L. went down the road to check it out and they took their camera with them. I hope to see pictures tomorrow.
Well tomorrow I have some errands to run...Hair cut with Cassie, pick up vacuum, buy wireless router for L.A. and F.i.L.'s new laptop and set up their network. Full day.
So with that I will wrap this up...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps
Not really a lot to report...Just your typical day at work.
Tonight they are having a Procession of lights from Mishawaka to New Carlisle in honor of Cpl. Szuba and Ricky. Last thing I heard on the radio was that the procession was 3 1/2 miles long. I wish I could see it. L.A. and F.i.L. went down the road to check it out and they took their camera with them. I hope to see pictures tomorrow.
Well tomorrow I have some errands to run...Hair cut with Cassie, pick up vacuum, buy wireless router for L.A. and F.i.L.'s new laptop and set up their network. Full day.
So with that I will wrap this up...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Point the bow in the direction you want to go...
Hey blog readers...the title doesn't really have anything to do with what I plan to blog about tonight. Actually, I am not really sure what I am going to blog about tonight. If this takes a nasty turn or really no turns at all consider this your warning...oh and the title was said to me when I was learning to captain a boat back in the day. I laughed when the instructor said it to me, but actually find some direction in it in my life now.
Yesterday was a shift day. In the morning we got to play in the ice. By play I mean we got to train. Living in this Northern Midwest climate that we live in our inland lakes have a tendancy to freeze over. Well humans as a whole tend to be curious creatures and at one point in our existance we decided to venture out onto that ice. Well ever since then there has been a tendency for we humans to fall through said ice and end up in peril. Well yesterdays training is the answer to that. We donned our ice rescue suits and took turns being the victim and the rescuer. Over the years this training has gone from being something well all dreaded to something some of us actually look forward to every year(me being one). The old suits(gumby suits) were made of neoprene and often leaked quite significantly. The new suits(Mustang Ice Command or Chiquita suit) fit better, keep you warm and actually keep you dry. So for an hour of my morning yesterday I took my turn as a bobber in a frozen lake...all and all one of my favorite trainings we do on a regular basis.
The rest of the day kind of spun out of control in the afternoon. We had a tour of Cub/Tiger Scouts come through the station. So I showed them around and we had a great time talking about fire trucks, fire stations and what firemen do when we are at work. I love when they are filled with questions and can't wait for you to show them the next thing. Just when that tour was ending one of my good friends from school stopped in. All the while I was trying to cook dinner to feed my firehouse full of fire fighters. My friend Monkey that stopped is a Police officer west of here and was in town paying his respects to the Mishawaka Police and Cpl. Szuba's family. It was great to see him. We had a chance to have a brief catch up and share some laughs. We are planning a get together with Jenny, Sharkboy and his family. Hopefully sooner than later.
Today I had class this morning at the new St. Joe Med Ctr. It is an amazing facility. All new and full of such potential. We recieved a tour of the facility. It is big and modern. If you drive in that area, you have seen it. It will serve the community well in it's new location.
After that, it was errands. The afternoon after school was spent hanging with Sharkboy. He has a new found love for Tom & Jerry. It is great, because that is one of the few cartoons that doesn't make me want to vomit or commit violent crimes against my television.
With all of the things surrounding the line of duty death of Cpl. Jim Szuba, and his K9 partner Ricky that have been going on the last few days I catch myself thinking and reflecting on a few things. (Now don't click closed yet, the soap box isn't coming out) I hope I never know how his family feels and more importantly I hope the rest of my family doesn't either. It is a reminder that what I have chosen as my career path is a dangerous job, and that fate isn't completely out of the question. So I need to be extra vigilant to make sure they(my family) don't ever know how they feel. It also is a testament to the family that the police officers, and other people in blue really are. There is a family right now in this county struggling to find answers to questions that may never be answered. The family doesn't pretend to know the answers, but they are there to provide ears to hear the questions, shoulders to catch tears and arms to hold through some of the pain. My prayers continue that the Szuba family finds some comfort in this hardest of times, and that their "Blue Family" continues to be there for them. God Speed Cpl. Szuba and K9 Ricky.
So this ended up being a lot longer than I expected. I have to make a confession. I have been penning this blog during American Idol. I am actually on a boycott of AI. I was and am a fan of Glee. Now that Idol is on, I have to wait until they crown a winner to be able to see a new episode. Idol is getting old to me...I don't really care for several of the Idol Winners from the past, and I just don't see it having that magic it used to have. So boycott I will...I have much better things to do with my time, like tell you want I have been up to.
Tomorrow back to work...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
Yesterday was a shift day. In the morning we got to play in the ice. By play I mean we got to train. Living in this Northern Midwest climate that we live in our inland lakes have a tendancy to freeze over. Well humans as a whole tend to be curious creatures and at one point in our existance we decided to venture out onto that ice. Well ever since then there has been a tendency for we humans to fall through said ice and end up in peril. Well yesterdays training is the answer to that. We donned our ice rescue suits and took turns being the victim and the rescuer. Over the years this training has gone from being something well all dreaded to something some of us actually look forward to every year(me being one). The old suits(gumby suits) were made of neoprene and often leaked quite significantly. The new suits(Mustang Ice Command or Chiquita suit) fit better, keep you warm and actually keep you dry. So for an hour of my morning yesterday I took my turn as a bobber in a frozen lake...all and all one of my favorite trainings we do on a regular basis.
The rest of the day kind of spun out of control in the afternoon. We had a tour of Cub/Tiger Scouts come through the station. So I showed them around and we had a great time talking about fire trucks, fire stations and what firemen do when we are at work. I love when they are filled with questions and can't wait for you to show them the next thing. Just when that tour was ending one of my good friends from school stopped in. All the while I was trying to cook dinner to feed my firehouse full of fire fighters. My friend Monkey that stopped is a Police officer west of here and was in town paying his respects to the Mishawaka Police and Cpl. Szuba's family. It was great to see him. We had a chance to have a brief catch up and share some laughs. We are planning a get together with Jenny, Sharkboy and his family. Hopefully sooner than later.
Today I had class this morning at the new St. Joe Med Ctr. It is an amazing facility. All new and full of such potential. We recieved a tour of the facility. It is big and modern. If you drive in that area, you have seen it. It will serve the community well in it's new location.
After that, it was errands. The afternoon after school was spent hanging with Sharkboy. He has a new found love for Tom & Jerry. It is great, because that is one of the few cartoons that doesn't make me want to vomit or commit violent crimes against my television.
With all of the things surrounding the line of duty death of Cpl. Jim Szuba, and his K9 partner Ricky that have been going on the last few days I catch myself thinking and reflecting on a few things. (Now don't click closed yet, the soap box isn't coming out) I hope I never know how his family feels and more importantly I hope the rest of my family doesn't either. It is a reminder that what I have chosen as my career path is a dangerous job, and that fate isn't completely out of the question. So I need to be extra vigilant to make sure they(my family) don't ever know how they feel. It also is a testament to the family that the police officers, and other people in blue really are. There is a family right now in this county struggling to find answers to questions that may never be answered. The family doesn't pretend to know the answers, but they are there to provide ears to hear the questions, shoulders to catch tears and arms to hold through some of the pain. My prayers continue that the Szuba family finds some comfort in this hardest of times, and that their "Blue Family" continues to be there for them. God Speed Cpl. Szuba and K9 Ricky.
So this ended up being a lot longer than I expected. I have to make a confession. I have been penning this blog during American Idol. I am actually on a boycott of AI. I was and am a fan of Glee. Now that Idol is on, I have to wait until they crown a winner to be able to see a new episode. Idol is getting old to me...I don't really care for several of the Idol Winners from the past, and I just don't see it having that magic it used to have. So boycott I will...I have much better things to do with my time, like tell you want I have been up to.
Tomorrow back to work...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Not a good night!
Hey blog readers...last night tragedy struck the Mishawaka PD, Mishawaka Fire & EMS and the community as a whole. So this entry will be my thoughts about this happening...
Cpl. James Szuba and his K9 partner, Ricky, were responding to an assistance call from another officer. While attempting to stop the suspect Cpl. Szuba and his partner were involved a 10-50(police talk for accident). Tragically Cpl. Szuba and his partner did not survive this crash, however the suspect did and was badly injured. Mishawaka Fire & EMS faced the task of then extricating the suspect from his vehicle where he was entrapped. They then transported him to a local hospital for care. Doesn't seem right does it, having to extricate a person who just commited such a hanus act? But it is...not easy, but the right thing to do.
So first off I would like to say, my families thoughts and prayers are with the family of Cpl. Szuba and his partner Ricky. My prayers also go out to each and every responder that did what had to be done last night on that call...Police Officers, Firemen, EMT's, Dispatchers all of you make me proud to be in the business.
This morning while watching the news, Sharkboy saw the story. He looked at me and with the most serious face I have ever seen him make, he asked if the policeman and his dog were alright. I made the split second decision to just tell him the truth. He just looked at me, then his eyes welled up with tears and he began to cry. I don't mean whimper, I don't mean whine, he cried...he got it. He said, after he pulled himself together, I am going to miss that policeman and his puppy. Every day I am amazed at what he can comprehend. He has never met this officer or his dog. He just knows that the world will be without those 2 and he doesn't like it. He has a heart bigger than I could describe. He cares and I hope he never lets go of that.
Some closing thoughts...keep your public servants in your thoughts today, especially Mishawaka Police, Fire and EMS. Sometimes look at the world through the Non-Jaded eyes of child. Never forget to tell the people that mean the most to you that you love them.
God Speed Cpl. James Szuba & K9 Ricky!
Be Kind, Be Safe,
Shalom my Peeps.
Cpl. James Szuba and his K9 partner, Ricky, were responding to an assistance call from another officer. While attempting to stop the suspect Cpl. Szuba and his partner were involved a 10-50(police talk for accident). Tragically Cpl. Szuba and his partner did not survive this crash, however the suspect did and was badly injured. Mishawaka Fire & EMS faced the task of then extricating the suspect from his vehicle where he was entrapped. They then transported him to a local hospital for care. Doesn't seem right does it, having to extricate a person who just commited such a hanus act? But it is...not easy, but the right thing to do.
So first off I would like to say, my families thoughts and prayers are with the family of Cpl. Szuba and his partner Ricky. My prayers also go out to each and every responder that did what had to be done last night on that call...Police Officers, Firemen, EMT's, Dispatchers all of you make me proud to be in the business.
This morning while watching the news, Sharkboy saw the story. He looked at me and with the most serious face I have ever seen him make, he asked if the policeman and his dog were alright. I made the split second decision to just tell him the truth. He just looked at me, then his eyes welled up with tears and he began to cry. I don't mean whimper, I don't mean whine, he cried...he got it. He said, after he pulled himself together, I am going to miss that policeman and his puppy. Every day I am amazed at what he can comprehend. He has never met this officer or his dog. He just knows that the world will be without those 2 and he doesn't like it. He has a heart bigger than I could describe. He cares and I hope he never lets go of that.
Some closing thoughts...keep your public servants in your thoughts today, especially Mishawaka Police, Fire and EMS. Sometimes look at the world through the Non-Jaded eyes of child. Never forget to tell the people that mean the most to you that you love them.
God Speed Cpl. James Szuba & K9 Ricky!
Be Kind, Be Safe,
Shalom my Peeps.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Hey blog readers...productivity can be measured on many scales. Frankly the way I measure productivity is with this simple equation: Productivity=What I want to get done - What I get done/the time it takes me to get it done(not really mathamatical...because I don't think I could actually put a number to it, but it is my blog).
Well today I actually started a written list of the tasks I wanted to accomplish. They are all done and it took me less than a day. So all and all I call that productive. You may measure your productivity differently, but for me, that is productivity.
I also want to take a few minutes to say Happy Birthday to Little Amigo (Mimi, M.i.L. etc...). I hope you are enjoying your day. Some people come in and out of our lives. You are someone who has been in my life for some time now. Thank you for being you. Thank you for raising a beautiful and smart daughter. Thank you for marrying my primary golf partner. You are an amazing person. I love you! (I don't think I guy could ask for a better mother-in-law)
Other than that today has been a pretty good day here at the station. Projects around the firehouse have filled most of the day...but again it was a productive day. Sun was out, and that always makes me happy. I just wish it would have been about 10 degrees warmer so I could have gotten out and enjoyed a cigar.
Not really much else to report. Jenny and Sharkboy are enjoying their day together (at least that is what they tell me). I am sure I will have more tomorrow.
Be Kind, Be Safe...Stay Warm.
Shalom my Peeps.
Well today I actually started a written list of the tasks I wanted to accomplish. They are all done and it took me less than a day. So all and all I call that productive. You may measure your productivity differently, but for me, that is productivity.
I also want to take a few minutes to say Happy Birthday to Little Amigo (Mimi, M.i.L. etc...). I hope you are enjoying your day. Some people come in and out of our lives. You are someone who has been in my life for some time now. Thank you for being you. Thank you for raising a beautiful and smart daughter. Thank you for marrying my primary golf partner. You are an amazing person. I love you! (I don't think I guy could ask for a better mother-in-law)
Other than that today has been a pretty good day here at the station. Projects around the firehouse have filled most of the day...but again it was a productive day. Sun was out, and that always makes me happy. I just wish it would have been about 10 degrees warmer so I could have gotten out and enjoyed a cigar.
Not really much else to report. Jenny and Sharkboy are enjoying their day together (at least that is what they tell me). I am sure I will have more tomorrow.
Be Kind, Be Safe...Stay Warm.
Shalom my Peeps.
Quick Vent...
Hey blog readers...just jumped on here to vent for a second. Sometimes if you put your thoughts down the issue doesn't seem to mean some much afterwards. So here it goes...
How many other people are sick of all the secret little Facebook status updates. The bra color thing was cute, but after that, it is just beating a dead horse. Just putting down something strange is just becoming irritating. I don't know about you, but after awhile of guessing doesn't the mystery go away and annoyance begin. Enough is enough...so here is my thought...just put something random up. Don't answer people when they ask and everyone will become annoyed and it will end. Who is with me...leave a comment.
(Pushing my soap box back under the counter)
Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Random,
Shalom my Peeps!
How many other people are sick of all the secret little Facebook status updates. The bra color thing was cute, but after that, it is just beating a dead horse. Just putting down something strange is just becoming irritating. I don't know about you, but after awhile of guessing doesn't the mystery go away and annoyance begin. Enough is enough...so here is my thought...just put something random up. Don't answer people when they ask and everyone will become annoyed and it will end. Who is with me...leave a comment.
(Pushing my soap box back under the counter)
Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Random,
Shalom my Peeps!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Hey blog readers...well good things come to those who ask(I modified the saying to fit my needs, it is my blog after all).
Today while I was having some left overs for lunch I heard and felt the familiar rumblings (no not my stomach) of the City of South Bend Burea of Streets snow plow. They finally made it to our neighborhood. I was so happy to finally have some work being done to our streets.
Also today we saw the sun...Indiana Perma-Cloud broke up for the day. The sun was out. Shine glorious sun shine. I know it was still only like 25 degrees outside, but it is amazing how good a few bright rays of sun can make you feel. Sun = Happy Me!
15 days and counting for the Florida Fun & Sun trip. I packaged up my clubs today and shipped them UPS. Now I know they will be there a week and a half early, but I thought I would get that task out of the way early. I have to say...if you have the means, ship your clubs. I am flying on Allegiant to St. Pete/Clearwater and if I would have checked 2 bags it would have been $40 each way for a second bag. $21 bucks later...clubs are on their way to Florida to await my arrival. I love options.
Well it is snowing again...nothing really to worry about, but snowing all the same.
Keep my Grandma(86 years old) in your thoughts and prayers. Yesterday she was taken by ambulance to the hospital. She had a Sciatica attack. It occured when she was in the bathroom and my Grandpa (87 years old) couldn't get her up. She is home again, but this back has been giving her problems for the last couple of years. I am actually getting ready to call her and get an update.
More tomorrow...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps.
Today while I was having some left overs for lunch I heard and felt the familiar rumblings (no not my stomach) of the City of South Bend Burea of Streets snow plow. They finally made it to our neighborhood. I was so happy to finally have some work being done to our streets.
Also today we saw the sun...Indiana Perma-Cloud broke up for the day. The sun was out. Shine glorious sun shine. I know it was still only like 25 degrees outside, but it is amazing how good a few bright rays of sun can make you feel. Sun = Happy Me!
15 days and counting for the Florida Fun & Sun trip. I packaged up my clubs today and shipped them UPS. Now I know they will be there a week and a half early, but I thought I would get that task out of the way early. I have to say...if you have the means, ship your clubs. I am flying on Allegiant to St. Pete/Clearwater and if I would have checked 2 bags it would have been $40 each way for a second bag. $21 bucks later...clubs are on their way to Florida to await my arrival. I love options.
Well it is snowing again...nothing really to worry about, but snowing all the same.
Keep my Grandma(86 years old) in your thoughts and prayers. Yesterday she was taken by ambulance to the hospital. She had a Sciatica attack. It occured when she was in the bathroom and my Grandpa (87 years old) couldn't get her up. She is home again, but this back has been giving her problems for the last couple of years. I am actually getting ready to call her and get an update.
More tomorrow...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps.
Let it snow!
Hey blog readers...well we are again on the edge of a lake effect snow system. I have pledged to myself that this blog will not be negative. So let's see how I do.
Yesterday Sharkboy received an award for helping his friends. He seems to be glowing in his new found kindness. He said that today he was going to try and help one of his friends again. He said it really felt good to help someone. I can not put into words how proud of him we are. As parents we long for our child to make a positive difference in the world. Now I realize that helping tie his friends shoes is not Nobel Prize worthy, but it is a small victory. Keep up the good work little man, knowing that your parents are so very proud of you.
Jenny is going out with the girls tonight to Bone Fish. I have nicknamed the girls "The Bang Bang Girls". They monthly go out and blow off some steam and enjoy conversation and the company of each other.
Well, I have to run some errands now...so I better get off of here. But before I go, I would like to give a shout out to my good friend Athena (www.athenainindy.blogspot.com). Just a word of encouragement to you. I love your blog, love your thoughts. Keep up the good work...it is your blog, your forum I wouldn't want to have it any other way. Candy coating is for M&M's not life!
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps
Shalom my Peeps.
Yesterday Sharkboy received an award for helping his friends. He seems to be glowing in his new found kindness. He said that today he was going to try and help one of his friends again. He said it really felt good to help someone. I can not put into words how proud of him we are. As parents we long for our child to make a positive difference in the world. Now I realize that helping tie his friends shoes is not Nobel Prize worthy, but it is a small victory. Keep up the good work little man, knowing that your parents are so very proud of you.
Jenny is going out with the girls tonight to Bone Fish. I have nicknamed the girls "The Bang Bang Girls". They monthly go out and blow off some steam and enjoy conversation and the company of each other.
Well, I have to run some errands now...so I better get off of here. But before I go, I would like to give a shout out to my good friend Athena (www.athenainindy.blogspot.com). Just a word of encouragement to you. I love your blog, love your thoughts. Keep up the good work...it is your blog, your forum I wouldn't want to have it any other way. Candy coating is for M&M's not life!
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps
Shalom my Peeps.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The rampage...
Hey blog readers...today I have spent a lot of time on the phone expressing my disdane with several of our public services. Now understand, I am a very patient person. I am actually one of the last people that complains at a restaurant let alone calls to complain. I mainly stay a complain to my friends kind of person.
Well on top of the plow problems the City of South Bend is having, apparently the recycling people have decided to become fickle. For the last 2 collection days they have skipped over us. They continue to say that it is not out and they skip over us. Today, I felt it was time for a call...I seem to be on a role. So I called, and they basically told me that I didn't have it out in time and that I would have to wait until next week...really? They said they do not make return trips. I asked if there was a supervisor to speak with and the supervisor told me there was nothing that could be done...AGGGHHHHH!!!! So while I was on the phone with the recycling company...the trash man pulled up. I ran out and asked if he would just take my recycling...he said he wasn't supposed to but he would. Problem resolved! (Just pissed that it had to all be thrown away)
Well another call to the street department today, but apparently they don't have office hours after 3:30. So I will call in the morning.
Great news to report. Sharkboy today recieved an award. "Acts of Kindness" award was given for helping tie his friends shoes. That's my boy! Way to help out your fellow man Sharkboy!
Well more tomorrow...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
Well on top of the plow problems the City of South Bend is having, apparently the recycling people have decided to become fickle. For the last 2 collection days they have skipped over us. They continue to say that it is not out and they skip over us. Today, I felt it was time for a call...I seem to be on a role. So I called, and they basically told me that I didn't have it out in time and that I would have to wait until next week...really? They said they do not make return trips. I asked if there was a supervisor to speak with and the supervisor told me there was nothing that could be done...AGGGHHHHH!!!! So while I was on the phone with the recycling company...the trash man pulled up. I ran out and asked if he would just take my recycling...he said he wasn't supposed to but he would. Problem resolved! (Just pissed that it had to all be thrown away)
Well another call to the street department today, but apparently they don't have office hours after 3:30. So I will call in the morning.
Great news to report. Sharkboy today recieved an award. "Acts of Kindness" award was given for helping tie his friends shoes. That's my boy! Way to help out your fellow man Sharkboy!
Well more tomorrow...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
Lake Effect!
Hey blog readers...I just thought I would share something that has been on my mind for the last few days. Once, just once I would like the weather man to say Lake Effect with something positive. As this winter continues, the phrase "Lake Effect" is making me like the lake less and less. Why can't lake effect mean sunshine, sand and fun. No it means that every other location in the area is going to get 1"-3" snow and we are going to get 5"-10". Seriously, the phrase is starting to make me despise the lake.
Well as mentioned yesterday I called the South Bend Street Department. The conversation went a something like this. (O)South Bend Street Department. (J)Hi, I have a question. (O)Ok. (J)I live on Field Gate Dr East in Field Point subdivision near Brick and Portage and was curious as to when you planned to plow our streets(Did not give my address out of fear of retribution by plow driver). (O)Do you live in the City of South Bend. (J)Yes. (O)With the recent snow fall it has been difficult to get plows to all the neighborhood to clear the streets. (J)I understand, but there hasn't been a plow in our neighborhood since Sat. Is there a time line that I should expect a plow to come through the neighborhood. (O)We don't have a schedule, they get to neighborhoods after they clear the main roads. (silence) (J)So when should I expect a plow? (O)Sir, I understand your frustration, but we have limited resources and with budget cuts we have less plow drivers. (J)That doesn't answer my question. (O)I guess I don't understand your question. (J)It is simple, when should I see a plow come through my neighborhood? (O)I can't answer that question sir, we don't have a schedule and I don't want to give you false information. (J)Is there someone I can talk to that can give me that answer. (O)I can let you talk to my supervisor. (J)Ok. (O)Please hold. (S)Street Department. (J)Hi, I was curious to know when a plow would be through my neighborhood. I understand you guys are busy, however I haven't seen a plow in our neighborhood since Sat. (S)Well sir, you may not see them, we have been plowing a lot at night.(Not in my neighborhood) (J)Ok...but I haven't seen any signs of a plow through our neighborhood, end of the driveway plowed shut, snow removed from the road...(S)Well sir, we have had a lot of snow recently and the snow may be building up faster than the plows can keep up. (Well duh...) (J)But in order to keep up, they have to start plowing. (S)I can't tell you when we will get to your neighborhood, we don't have a specific rotation or schedule. (J)So you don't know. (S) Yes, I don't know. (J)Well thank you for your time. (S)I hope that answered your question. (J)Well it didn't. (S)I'm sorry...(J)Me too. (S)Sir, you understand we live in a lake effect area, right? (There is that damn Lake Effect Phrase again) (J)I do, I have lived here my whole life. (S)I am sorry we couldn't help you more. (J)Me too...bye. (S)Bye.
Apparently we have no direction to our plow service in the city. So my plan is to cross my fingers and hope they plow...what a joke! My disappointment grows!
Sharkboy had a pretty good 1st day back after the holiday break. He told me he was happy to see all of his friends and teachers again. He is growing up so fast. Last night, at 7:30, he got up off the couch, brushed his teeth and told us he was ready for bed. He said, he had a long day and just wanted to get his sleep going. So we read his book and said our good nights...the kid loves his sleep.
While I was watching the Today show today I had a revelation. They were discussing health and New Years Eve resolutions. I listened and have come to this...Most people treat their bodies like a leased car. Trying to return it with no dings, dents, scratches and in pristine condition. Well guess what...I didn't lease this body. I own it. I plan to have all the fun I can, get all the dings, scratches, dents and flat tires I can. My plan is to not pull gently into the grave. I want to go sliding in smoking tires sideways know that I have had all the fun I can. Now, don't get me wrong...I plan to exercise, watch what I eat and just generally take better care of my body. But I am not going to freak out about it. That is why my resolution this year is to make more memories with friends and family and try not to pass up opportunities to do so.
Well, time to get some things off the last wall in the bedroom and fill some holes so I can paint tomorrow. Hopefully your streets are in better condition than ours. Remember to not pass up an opportunity to enjoy life.
Be Kind, Be Safe...(especially if they never get around to plowing our streets)
Shalom my Peeps.
Well as mentioned yesterday I called the South Bend Street Department. The conversation went a something like this. (O)South Bend Street Department. (J)Hi, I have a question. (O)Ok. (J)I live on Field Gate Dr East in Field Point subdivision near Brick and Portage and was curious as to when you planned to plow our streets(Did not give my address out of fear of retribution by plow driver). (O)Do you live in the City of South Bend. (J)Yes. (O)With the recent snow fall it has been difficult to get plows to all the neighborhood to clear the streets. (J)I understand, but there hasn't been a plow in our neighborhood since Sat. Is there a time line that I should expect a plow to come through the neighborhood. (O)We don't have a schedule, they get to neighborhoods after they clear the main roads. (silence) (J)So when should I expect a plow? (O)Sir, I understand your frustration, but we have limited resources and with budget cuts we have less plow drivers. (J)That doesn't answer my question. (O)I guess I don't understand your question. (J)It is simple, when should I see a plow come through my neighborhood? (O)I can't answer that question sir, we don't have a schedule and I don't want to give you false information. (J)Is there someone I can talk to that can give me that answer. (O)I can let you talk to my supervisor. (J)Ok. (O)Please hold. (S)Street Department. (J)Hi, I was curious to know when a plow would be through my neighborhood. I understand you guys are busy, however I haven't seen a plow in our neighborhood since Sat. (S)Well sir, you may not see them, we have been plowing a lot at night.(Not in my neighborhood) (J)Ok...but I haven't seen any signs of a plow through our neighborhood, end of the driveway plowed shut, snow removed from the road...(S)Well sir, we have had a lot of snow recently and the snow may be building up faster than the plows can keep up. (Well duh...) (J)But in order to keep up, they have to start plowing. (S)I can't tell you when we will get to your neighborhood, we don't have a specific rotation or schedule. (J)So you don't know. (S) Yes, I don't know. (J)Well thank you for your time. (S)I hope that answered your question. (J)Well it didn't. (S)I'm sorry...(J)Me too. (S)Sir, you understand we live in a lake effect area, right? (There is that damn Lake Effect Phrase again) (J)I do, I have lived here my whole life. (S)I am sorry we couldn't help you more. (J)Me too...bye. (S)Bye.
Apparently we have no direction to our plow service in the city. So my plan is to cross my fingers and hope they plow...what a joke! My disappointment grows!
Sharkboy had a pretty good 1st day back after the holiday break. He told me he was happy to see all of his friends and teachers again. He is growing up so fast. Last night, at 7:30, he got up off the couch, brushed his teeth and told us he was ready for bed. He said, he had a long day and just wanted to get his sleep going. So we read his book and said our good nights...the kid loves his sleep.
While I was watching the Today show today I had a revelation. They were discussing health and New Years Eve resolutions. I listened and have come to this...Most people treat their bodies like a leased car. Trying to return it with no dings, dents, scratches and in pristine condition. Well guess what...I didn't lease this body. I own it. I plan to have all the fun I can, get all the dings, scratches, dents and flat tires I can. My plan is to not pull gently into the grave. I want to go sliding in smoking tires sideways know that I have had all the fun I can. Now, don't get me wrong...I plan to exercise, watch what I eat and just generally take better care of my body. But I am not going to freak out about it. That is why my resolution this year is to make more memories with friends and family and try not to pass up opportunities to do so.
Well, time to get some things off the last wall in the bedroom and fill some holes so I can paint tomorrow. Hopefully your streets are in better condition than ours. Remember to not pass up an opportunity to enjoy life.
Be Kind, Be Safe...(especially if they never get around to plowing our streets)
Shalom my Peeps.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Back to the Grind...
Hey blog readers...well this morning we are back to our "Grind". Sharkboy is officially off break and Jenny is working her normal work week again. I am here in the house with a list as long as my arm to get done and not nearly enough initiative to get off my rump and get rolling on it.
Yesterday we spent the day with Sharkboy out on the town. We took him to lunch and per his request we enjoyed our Chick-Fil-A lunch selections. We made an office visit to L.A.(Mimi) and he scored a bottle of water(gold to a 5 y/o) and a Matchbox car(more gold). Then we ran some errands and enjoyed some time playing his new game on the Wii.
In the evening we had dinner with our neighbor(The Proffessor). She is heading out of the country on sabbatical to Korea. She is originally from there and is looking forward to an extended visit with her family that does not have the means to come to the States. She is a bit anal, so we went through all the things I will be taking care of for her(as if I don't own a home or know what to do). We enjoyed some pizza and seem to learn a little more about her each time we spend time with her. She really is a nice person, just a bit shy.
Plans are in the works for the trip to Florida in 17 days. I see on the plans lots of golf, and spending time with friends. Right up my alley if you know anything about me. I will have a rental car, so I plan to venture to some fire stations and see how Floridian Fire Fighters live. There is also a Yeungling brewery in Tampa area, so I may try to venture there and see what I can learn and what swag I can score.
Had a nice web conference call with Absofab and CC. We got a little glimpse of Ian on the webcam(he made a cameo appearance at the end). It was a combination call...we started the early planning stages of our trip to Disney in June. Sharkboy got word yesterday we are planning this trip, so backing out is not an option. So now we need to start figuring out the detail and figuring out the logistics.
All this talk of warm weather and vacations has me pretty happy. Perma cloud continues, and there is more snow in the forecast for the next few days. Usually that would drag me down a bit but Florida is keeping my head up as well as my spirits.
Daisy made an unplanned trip to the vet yesterday. She cut her pad on her foot. After some cleaning up it was deemed not a big issue. Some antibiotics are in order, but only as a precaution. It hasn't slowed her any and the bloody footprints have all but disappeared. It wouldn't be January if she didn't have some sort of injury.
I have to say my disappointment in the City of South Bend and their snow removal is at an all time high. They have not plowed in our neighborhood since Sat. the streets in our neighborhood are horrible. Thank goodness we are natives to this weather, so we have 4 wheel drive otherwise getting to and from the house would be a daunting task. It is sad with all the taxes that we pay and the constant whining that they do about needing more money...and yet they don't even seem to be able to complete the most basic of tasks. I understand being a bit behind, but 4 days later not even a single swipe down our road. I think a phone call is in order, we will see what happens.
My to-do list is calling my name, so I should wrap this post up...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps.
Yesterday we spent the day with Sharkboy out on the town. We took him to lunch and per his request we enjoyed our Chick-Fil-A lunch selections. We made an office visit to L.A.(Mimi) and he scored a bottle of water(gold to a 5 y/o) and a Matchbox car(more gold). Then we ran some errands and enjoyed some time playing his new game on the Wii.
In the evening we had dinner with our neighbor(The Proffessor). She is heading out of the country on sabbatical to Korea. She is originally from there and is looking forward to an extended visit with her family that does not have the means to come to the States. She is a bit anal, so we went through all the things I will be taking care of for her(as if I don't own a home or know what to do). We enjoyed some pizza and seem to learn a little more about her each time we spend time with her. She really is a nice person, just a bit shy.
Plans are in the works for the trip to Florida in 17 days. I see on the plans lots of golf, and spending time with friends. Right up my alley if you know anything about me. I will have a rental car, so I plan to venture to some fire stations and see how Floridian Fire Fighters live. There is also a Yeungling brewery in Tampa area, so I may try to venture there and see what I can learn and what swag I can score.
Had a nice web conference call with Absofab and CC. We got a little glimpse of Ian on the webcam(he made a cameo appearance at the end). It was a combination call...we started the early planning stages of our trip to Disney in June. Sharkboy got word yesterday we are planning this trip, so backing out is not an option. So now we need to start figuring out the detail and figuring out the logistics.
All this talk of warm weather and vacations has me pretty happy. Perma cloud continues, and there is more snow in the forecast for the next few days. Usually that would drag me down a bit but Florida is keeping my head up as well as my spirits.
Daisy made an unplanned trip to the vet yesterday. She cut her pad on her foot. After some cleaning up it was deemed not a big issue. Some antibiotics are in order, but only as a precaution. It hasn't slowed her any and the bloody footprints have all but disappeared. It wouldn't be January if she didn't have some sort of injury.
I have to say my disappointment in the City of South Bend and their snow removal is at an all time high. They have not plowed in our neighborhood since Sat. the streets in our neighborhood are horrible. Thank goodness we are natives to this weather, so we have 4 wheel drive otherwise getting to and from the house would be a daunting task. It is sad with all the taxes that we pay and the constant whining that they do about needing more money...and yet they don't even seem to be able to complete the most basic of tasks. I understand being a bit behind, but 4 days later not even a single swipe down our road. I think a phone call is in order, we will see what happens.
My to-do list is calling my name, so I should wrap this post up...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Time management...
Well blog readers...it has been 2 days since I posted. I have had some time management issues. Mostly caused by either being tired from work, being at work or the little bit on not feeling well that I experienced on Sunday. But here is the update.
All is going well this year with my New Year plan of making great memories along this 2010 trek. Since Jan. 1 I have witnessed or been involved in 4 swearing in ceremonies at the fire station. Clay Fire Territory merged with Harris Twp fire and we are now one big fire Territory. It is great to see this growth. For a little nostalgia, when I joined Clay in 1999 it was a small combination (career & volunteer) department each day there was 4 career fire fighters on duty in 2 small firehouses. I had been a dispatcher for 3 years and longed to be a fireman(I was already an EMT and had worked on an ambulance). So the natural thing to do was join Clay, since the dispatch office was housed and operated by Clay. Over the years I have watched the department grow to what it is today. We now have 5 stations with 17 career firefighters and numerous part time fire fighters on staff. We have ALS engine companies, a Paramedic ambulance and are a recognized fire department around the country. It was truely amazing to be a part of the ceremonies for the "Next Step" at Clay Fire.
We are buried under 18+ inches of snow and the winter chill and perma-cloud are now in place. I am longing for my trip to Florida in 18 days(but who is counting). My friends that I am visiting all keep telling me that it is cold down there right now. I will gladly take whatever they have to offer weather wise, knowing that it will not include ice, slush, frigid wind or 18+ inches of snow. I also look forward to continuing my New Years plan (and some golfing).
Sharkboy heads back to school tomorrow. We have started the process of getting him back on track with his sleep schedule. As all school age kids do, he has pushed his bed time back a little from his school night time rituals. But rest assured Jenny and I are on the case and we will have him ready for school in the AM. However his Holiday break was a good one. Santa brought lots of cool things and he has had some time to play in the snow. Play with his new toys and start to figure out his Nintendo DS and new George of the Jungle game for the Wii. It is amazing to see where he is right now in his life, he is growing up so fast and it doesn't show any signs of slowing.
Jenny started celebrating her birthday month. We have coined the month Jen-uary. She loves to get little things and the plan for the month is to spoil her throughout the month and make sure she is well taken care of...Happy Birthday Bug! Let the celebrating begin(and the doting).
Great news for some friends of ours...Absofab and her hubby got to bring home their some Ian Mathew yesterday. He was born a bit sooner than they had planned and he had a tough time figuring out that he needed to eat & breath at the same time...you know inside it just was transferred. So he spent a few days & nights in the NICU here at Memorial hospital. However, he caught on and is now home where they can take care of him and start him on his path of life. We are so proud of that little family for making it through this little speed bump. We continue to pray for their strength in the coming weeks...the first few are the hardest. I don't miss middle of the night feedings and diaper changes...but they are fond memories I will carry with me. Best Wishes Zarembka's...can't wait to meet your little man in person.
Well, with all of that...Sharkboy wants to play and this being his last day off school I feel like I should oblige.
Be Kind, Be Safe...stay warm!
Shalom my Peeps.
All is going well this year with my New Year plan of making great memories along this 2010 trek. Since Jan. 1 I have witnessed or been involved in 4 swearing in ceremonies at the fire station. Clay Fire Territory merged with Harris Twp fire and we are now one big fire Territory. It is great to see this growth. For a little nostalgia, when I joined Clay in 1999 it was a small combination (career & volunteer) department each day there was 4 career fire fighters on duty in 2 small firehouses. I had been a dispatcher for 3 years and longed to be a fireman(I was already an EMT and had worked on an ambulance). So the natural thing to do was join Clay, since the dispatch office was housed and operated by Clay. Over the years I have watched the department grow to what it is today. We now have 5 stations with 17 career firefighters and numerous part time fire fighters on staff. We have ALS engine companies, a Paramedic ambulance and are a recognized fire department around the country. It was truely amazing to be a part of the ceremonies for the "Next Step" at Clay Fire.
We are buried under 18+ inches of snow and the winter chill and perma-cloud are now in place. I am longing for my trip to Florida in 18 days(but who is counting). My friends that I am visiting all keep telling me that it is cold down there right now. I will gladly take whatever they have to offer weather wise, knowing that it will not include ice, slush, frigid wind or 18+ inches of snow. I also look forward to continuing my New Years plan (and some golfing).
Sharkboy heads back to school tomorrow. We have started the process of getting him back on track with his sleep schedule. As all school age kids do, he has pushed his bed time back a little from his school night time rituals. But rest assured Jenny and I are on the case and we will have him ready for school in the AM. However his Holiday break was a good one. Santa brought lots of cool things and he has had some time to play in the snow. Play with his new toys and start to figure out his Nintendo DS and new George of the Jungle game for the Wii. It is amazing to see where he is right now in his life, he is growing up so fast and it doesn't show any signs of slowing.
Jenny started celebrating her birthday month. We have coined the month Jen-uary. She loves to get little things and the plan for the month is to spoil her throughout the month and make sure she is well taken care of...Happy Birthday Bug! Let the celebrating begin(and the doting).
Great news for some friends of ours...Absofab and her hubby got to bring home their some Ian Mathew yesterday. He was born a bit sooner than they had planned and he had a tough time figuring out that he needed to eat & breath at the same time...you know inside it just was transferred. So he spent a few days & nights in the NICU here at Memorial hospital. However, he caught on and is now home where they can take care of him and start him on his path of life. We are so proud of that little family for making it through this little speed bump. We continue to pray for their strength in the coming weeks...the first few are the hardest. I don't miss middle of the night feedings and diaper changes...but they are fond memories I will carry with me. Best Wishes Zarembka's...can't wait to meet your little man in person.
Well, with all of that...Sharkboy wants to play and this being his last day off school I feel like I should oblige.
Be Kind, Be Safe...stay warm!
Shalom my Peeps.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Welcome to 2010!
Hey blog readers, welcome to 2010! I think the best thing I have heard all day was..."I remember 2009 like it was yesterday". I slept through the ball drop in New York. I was at the fire station and frankly, it just didn't have the draw it does when your out celebrating and not at work. I woke up around 12:30 because station 3 had a gas investigation, saw that it was snowing promptly climbed back in bed. All and all it was a pretty good night(I didn't have to run a single call).
This morning we started the process of transitioning to the "New" Clay Fire Territory. B-shift was sworn in and just like that we went from a 3 station department to a 5. Tomorrow morning I will get my new badge and be sworn in. I can't wait...
Sharkboy watched a movie with Jenny last night. When I got home this morning they were up and I received my New Years greetings. My family is the best!
I saw a story that struck me funny today on the news. A Polar Bear group from Portland, Maine. They gathered yesterday on a Snowy, Icy beach to take their annual plunge into the Atlantic. They do this each year to draw awareness to Global Warming. Really? Because you know nothing says Global Warming like a snowy beach and frigid water. Seriously...do you think it opened anyone's eyes? Come on...that is like standing in the ocean and talking about a water shortage.
Now it is time for me to start my project for the day...I need to prep a wall for paint. Then we are going to go the movies tonight with UNC, Ms. Croft and the all the kids. Hacienda will be our dining choice for the evening as well. Sharkboy has been begging to go and have some chips w/red & white dip.
So from my family to yours...May you have a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
This morning we started the process of transitioning to the "New" Clay Fire Territory. B-shift was sworn in and just like that we went from a 3 station department to a 5. Tomorrow morning I will get my new badge and be sworn in. I can't wait...
Sharkboy watched a movie with Jenny last night. When I got home this morning they were up and I received my New Years greetings. My family is the best!
I saw a story that struck me funny today on the news. A Polar Bear group from Portland, Maine. They gathered yesterday on a Snowy, Icy beach to take their annual plunge into the Atlantic. They do this each year to draw awareness to Global Warming. Really? Because you know nothing says Global Warming like a snowy beach and frigid water. Seriously...do you think it opened anyone's eyes? Come on...that is like standing in the ocean and talking about a water shortage.
Now it is time for me to start my project for the day...I need to prep a wall for paint. Then we are going to go the movies tonight with UNC, Ms. Croft and the all the kids. Hacienda will be our dining choice for the evening as well. Sharkboy has been begging to go and have some chips w/red & white dip.
So from my family to yours...May you have a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
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