Sunday, May 18, 2008

A whole lot of nothing...

Greetings blog readers...the title in itself pretty much sums up my day today (not to mention it could be a good blog name for somebody).

Today was fire station day. A whole lot of nothing is actually good for the general public. Not for the adrenaline craving firemen that protect them, but you know it isn't all about us. But after a nice breakfast with the boys we had a nice morning of little projects. As is typical with the fire house there was story telling and the occasional zinger jabbed in fun. To sum up the rest of our day we had foam training after lunch and then settled in for a nice relaxing afternoon of catching up on '80s movie reruns. UNC stopped by just before dinner and showed off his new ride. It is very nice. It has this proximity chip thing and he doesn't have to put a key in the car to start it. Now that is a cool gadget...

Sharkboy and Jenny enjoyed a productive day according to the phone calls. Sharkboy slept well in his new big boy bed and was more than happy to let Dan, my driver, know all about it when he stopped to drop off some things that I had forgotten this morning (it is nice to live so close to the station). Tonight Sharkboy called in tears. For the first time that I can remember he was sad because he missed his Daddy. It was sad, and I just wanted to reach through the phone and give him a hug. Tomorrow is a Daddy day, and I am going to try and make up my absence today to him. We may go to the movies.

Jenny went grocery shopping...Thank God! She assures me that we now have food in the house and Sharkboy and I should not starve tomorrow. I am sure I have mentioned this before, but she is the greatest. Thanks Honey, for all that you do to keep this family running smoothly.

Well, that is about all I have for tonight. Tomorrow as I said is Daddy Day with Sharkboy, so I will update you on that tomorrow. I will have my blog glasses on watching for blog worthy stories. I hope you all have a good week...

So until tomorrow...Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps!!!

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