Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Looking forward to tomorrow...

Hey blog readers...I hope you all weathered the rain and gloom well today. I have to tell you I was on the phone with a friend today and I always try to find something possitive to say about the weather or current issue and this is what I came up with today. "Weathers not bad if your a fern" was met with laughter. Well enough weak attempts at humor...sit back and enjoy, but I must warn you, it won't be a very long one tonight (sorry, don't think I have ever said that before LOL)

Well today was spent at the part time gig. Lots of time on the forklift. Not really anything to report...that job really isn't very good for comedic value.

Sharkboy report: Tonight Sharkboy decided he would enter the world of a super hero. He put some underwear on his head using the leg hole for his eye hole and announced..."I am super underwear man" was priceless. He makes me so proud. Tomorrow's Sharkboy report will include the zoo update. Jenny and I are going as room parents. Should be loaded with blog worthy items.

I got to use some of my mechanical skills tonight. Sharkboy's bike had a flat tire. So after removing it and replacing the inner tube and then reinstalling the wheel, Sharkboy was up and running again. He payed me with a hug and told me that I was awesome. Thanks Sharkboy...your pretty cool yourself.

So that is all for now...oh yeah, and tomorrow I get my new blower. I am really jacked about this. It is one of those "Y" chromosome times in my life. You know one of those times when a guy gets a new tool. Many of you may not understand, but for those of you that do. You know the little bit of excitement that I am carrying with me.

Well, I am off to watch American Idol...against every fiber of my being and then it is sleepy sleepy time. So until tomorrow...

Be Kind, Be Safe.

Shalom my Peeps

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