Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some random stuff...

Hey blog readers...I just want to start this blog out by saying Thank you to everyone that has wished Daisy and us well. It means a lot to know that we have friends and family that care so very much for us and our little 4-legged friend.

Her update: She is feeling a lot better. She is starting to try and push her limits, and she is definitely going to be a handful. This morning she already tried to jump up on her favorite chair. I think I scared her when I hollered for her to stop, but as any good dog Dad would do, I picked her up and she is now sleeping in her chair. We had a really rough night on Tuesday. I won't kill you with the details, but she had a reaction to the combination of her pain meds and her sedative and it wasn't pretty. But we are past that and we are just focusing on getting her through the next a little more than 7 weeks...

I didn't get a chance to really blog yesterday and I wanted to make sure I made at least a couple of comments about the Inauguration. I have to say that Tuesday was a day to be very proud to be an American, Democrat or Republican, Black or White, Man, Woman or Child. The ceremonies and festivities moved me as an American. Personally I am excited for the opportunities of a fresh leader bring. While I was watching I was a little jealous of our dear friend Athena being there and witnessing it live. I was very proud of her living out her dream of witnessing the 44th time we had a peaceful transition of power in our great nation. Thank you Athena for your pictures and I look forward to your blog/review of the trip.(if you want to check her blog out, it is listed to the left click on "Athena", you won't be dissapointed)

Sharkboy is doing great. He is adjusting to our new "Robo-dog". He was the only one that could get her to start drinking yesterday. He was very calm and offered water from the little bowl in his little doctor kit he has. She gladly accepted his gesture and is back to drinking from her bowl on her own. We have committed to him that when we get her free of all of her restriction and it is not punishment for someone to come watch her, we will take him somewhere. Sadly, the money we had set aside for our trip to Disney this year is in her surgery now. But he is excited about the summer of weekend trips we have told him we will take. His only stipulation that he has put on it is that we have to stay in some hotels(deal little man). Disney will always be there and we will get there...

Other than that, we are just all adjusting to our Daisy and her limits. I can say with confidence that I think we have made a turn in the right direction. It will only get better from here. I will probably post later today.

Until then...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.

1 comment:

Laura said...

glad to hear Daisy is recovering well...also, thank you for your 2 cents on the phone stuff...