Hey blog readers...no post yesterday, sorry it was a long day. We spent most of the day out doing inspections, by the time dinner was had and the chores were done there was no creative juice left to pen a blog. So here is the update...
Today Sharkboy and I went and saw our friend Cassie to get our haircuts. As always she did a great job and has made both of our heads presentable for another few weeks. Sharkboy loves to get his haircut there because they have Playstations as each of the chairs. Then we came home and played all afternoon. Some Wii, some little cars and now he is comfy on the couch watching Kung Fu Panda.
Daisy is doing much better. Everyday she gets closer to being our old Daisy. She got a card today from her friends Kota Dog and Lexus. It was a really sweet get well card. She sniffed it and seemed to like it.(Thank you Kota Dog and Lexus' humans!) She goes tomorrow to have her staples out. Here is a picture.

External Fixator with out protective tape.
So there you have it...todays update. Tomorrow like I said we go get the staples out. I am very confident that will go well.
Thank you again to all that have sent well wishes for Daisy and us. It really means a lot and we can't wait to have her running around the retention basin like old times.
Stay warm, Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps!
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