Monday, October 13, 2008

The weekend rundown...

Hey Blog fans...just thought I would do a little blogging tonight. I was looking at the numbers and noticed that my hits on the blog are way down. I look back and it seems to directly correlate to my Breast Cancer daily facts. So in addition to hunting for facts being a hassle, it isn't nearly the hit that I thought it would be and I have decided to scrap the plan of a fact a day...if you want more information about breast cancer or any other cancer, I encourage you to go to or click on the title of this post and look around. It is a very informative site and is pretty easy to navigate.

Well here is the usual blog foder. We started the weekend by going to a movie...see my blog Fireproof. It was a really good movie. Sharkboy stayed with Dan, my driver, while we went to the movie. They had a blast...I am not sure who had more fun. Saturday I worked...

Sunday we had a little family day. We started by all going to church...then we came home and regrouped and then headed for Mimi's. Sharkboy got to ride his jeep and do a little golfing with Jack Swanson (aka L.A.). I went to help with the removal of a bush from their front yard. They had a bush that had overstayed it's welcome in it's position and they wanted it gone. Well, I packed my chain and some tools and headed for the project. I dug around the base, since there was some wires that were in the area. I wanted to make sure when we pulled on it that we didn't yank the wire out. Well the wire was clear of that area. I connected the chain and hooked it to the truck. Now, my last outing of pulling a bush almost cost me my religion, so I was ready for a fight. I got in the truck, put it in 4-wheel drive and put it in drive. I slowly pulled forward waiting to put some tension on the chain. Well I kept pulling forward and never really felt tension. The bush just popped right out of the ground. It was a bit of a disappointment, I was ready for a fight. I guess that bush was no match for the ol' Ford.

The rest of the afternoon we sat around and visited with L.A. and F.i.L. It was a really nice afternoon. A couple of beers, a cigar and some great catching up.

In the evening UNC and Ms. Croft came over and hung out for a bit. We invited them over for some Jen & Tonics (since she makes a killer Gin & Tonic, we call it that). It was a nice little visit.

Today we took Daisy to the vet...she has been hacking and coughing around the house like a 60 year old smoker, so we thought we would have it check out. Long story short. She is now on antibiotics and she was violated by the vet. I almost threw when he gave the explaination of what they did.

Sharkboy today got his first filling. He is a great little patient. He was such a big boy. So we went out and bought a new truck for him to play with. Jenny is still a little mortified that he had a cavity, but some wine and time should heal that wound.

Tomorrow we head for the Pumpkin patch with Sharkboy's school. I am taking the camera and should have some pictures up in tomorrows blog.

That is about it, so...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.

1 comment:

Aleea said...

Jay, please tell Jen that I had fillings as a child and the good news is that those are in baby teeth. As a daughter of a former dental assistant, I'm sure my Mom was horrified too. However, in all my years of adult teeth, no fillings!