Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Breast Cancer fact for 10/1/2008

Well here it is blog readers...the Breast Cancer fact for today. So I thought we should start at the beginning. You know...can't build a building without a foundation. So I thought what better way to start than with what is Breast Cancer. So here it is...

So simply...Breast cancer is cancer that occurs in the breast. Cancers are a group of diseases in the body that cause cells to grow out of control. Most forms of cancer form lumps (masses) called tumors. And these are named after the part of the body they occur in.

Breast cancer begins in breast tissue, which is made up of glands for milk production called lobules and the ducts that connect the lobules to the nipple. The remainder of the breast is made up of fatty, connective and lymphatic tissue. that is todays fact.

Be Kind, Be educated.

Shalom my Peeps.

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