Friday, October 1, 2010

Some times you just need a magnet

Hey blog readers, been isn't that I haven't tried to post, I have started several, ultimately deleting them because they rambled and made little to no sense. So I am going to attempt one more time. I have been trying to come up with a title for my blog post that would catch everybody up. But with all the little things I wanted to cover, and all the things that were out there to scrape up it has been difficult. No one item really sticks out and they are much like metal filings after you grind something off. Then it hit is a bit like grinding something, and maybe that something is us. Everything we do, we put a little of ourselves into it. So each time we do that we grind a little off of ourselves off. Now we all know we aren't an endless supply of metal to grind, but that is another post. So as I ramble on, I remember the other day when we were trying to clean up the work bench here at the firehouse and there was metal shavings everywhere from some fab work we are doing. I was trying to clean them up and someone said, all you need is a magnet. Then it hit me...let your post be the magnet to pull the shavings, I know, pretty deep for me, but sometimes you just have to get smacked in the head to realize something and sometimes it is the subtleties in life. So here we go...


Jen continues with all of her usual things. She really truly keeps herself very busy keeping us in line. Laundry, cleaning, paying bills, and generally organizing our crazy house. She is good at it too...I say this a lot, but without her I would be a hot mess.


Football season is slowly coming to an end. He is not All Star material yet, but he is way better than he was when he started and he says that he loves it. He has put down some big hits and recieved his fair share, but he pops back up and tries again. I am so very proud of him...School improves every day. He has been cursed (for now, it will soon be a blessing) with my gift of gab and desire to help. He gets bored at school and will just randomly get up and help the other students. It is very nice in my eyes, because it shows his desire to help his fellow man, but the teacher doesn't see it that way. I guess getting up to help during a test is frowned upon. Too bad...But that has improved and he is doing much better.

Me: (Now this is where it is going to get random)

Working, working, working. That seems to be the theme. Not just at work either. I have this affliction of not being able to say no. So I have been involved in many projects aiding friends and family. Would I change that, heck no. But it has resulted in several late nights and lots of time not doing what I want to do...but that is coming under control every day.

I have had some things that I have been trying to post on but haven't been able to, for whatever the reason, so here are some random things.

Political ads...yeah, I thought I would go there first. They are completely irritating me(Think Sand in a Clam and that is exactly the pearl I am festering). I hope that all of my friends are not silly enough to base their election decisions on Political Ads. If so, you are probably really struggling. It would seem that as I am watching TV that every political canidate is killing Hemopheliac Autistic Downsyndrome babies in the streets, at least that is what their opponent would have you think. Not one has said what they are going to do...oh yeah, the usual I know how to create jobs and decrease taxes, but no plan layed out. I know how to create jobs too...hire people, but to do what? I know how to lower taxes, pass laws and bills that eliminate them...but again, how? I am not a terribly political person, but it is getting ugly...and I don't like it.

Reality TV...seriously, I am about done with it. Ok, for the most part, I am done with it. I got a great show title "Who wants to be a Millionare Bachelor/Bachelorette trapped on an Island full of hot women/men that can't sing or dance but want to win an award for it and get married, then break up and maybe then become a drug addict and need rehab" Pretty much that is all I see on TV anymore. What happened to Sitcoms? I know there are a few out there, but remember when TV was creative? When they made you laugh, you couldn't turn the channel and you didn't have to endure "Snookie"(or any other character like that)? You know the Amish may be onto something...but only the No TV thing, I couldn't live without my gadgets. It frustrates me...

General stupidity...I have come to the realization that I will have to endure ignorance in life. But the longer I live, the more I see it. People never stop amazing me...seriously. I am not talking ignorance like you can't add or subtract, or you can't cook. But real world stupid. Crazy people driving, disobeying sign trucks, killing people, beating old people up(and planning it). Come on people...remember, we all have to live on the 3rd rock from the sun, and we all have to try and do it together...try and think of your fellow earthlings.

Beggers...I don't know how it is in your little slice of this great country, but the beggers have doubled lately. It is almost like they are Gremlins and someone got them wet. I remember watching a show when I was younger that they followed a pan handler in New York and he was making more money begging for change for the train in a suit with a stupid story about having his wallet stollen then most of the people he was getting money from. What ever happened to working for a living. I hope that I never have to sink so low that I have to beg from people. It makes it hard for me to take them seriously. I know as a country we have let our veterans down many times, let our homeless down etc, etc...but when you take your break from begging don't go behind Starbucks, light up a smoke and enjoy your Venti Goodness where I can see won't get far. Also, when you are begging, it isn't a good idea to text someone from your Blackberry and then put it back in your pocket and continue to hope that we feel bad for you and will give you our change. Ahhh....

Well that is all the metal I have to share with you tonight...I thought I would add though at the end, that there are times when our metal gets thickened. Those times when someone does something nice for you. Something not expected. When you get to be the magnet. I thought I would share a story that "thickened my metal". I was sitting in line to pick Sharkboy up from school the other afternoon and was glowing with the fact that I had made it in time to be one of the first parents in line. I know, I shouldn't matter, but it felt nice to be there. I was watching Sharkboy's class at their final recess for the day and the boys were playing kick ball. Well as boys do, one kick was a little over zealous and flew over the fence, bounced on the road and landed accross the road in the tree lawn. The teacher didn't see it happen and was oblivious to this happening. I looked in my mirror and noticed that about 20 cars had collected and I was in some prime real estate. The boys were looking over then fence at the ball. I didn't want to see one go accross the street to get it, due to heavy traffic with last minute parents(usually me) arriving and not watching quite as closely as they should. So I decided to give up my spot in line and I pulled out and went to get the ball. Threw it to the boys and they all thanked me and were very polite. I got back in my truck and headed back for the line, knowing that I would probably have to go to the end. But a very nice Dad in line behind me, saved my spot. He waved me to turn around and get back in line. He said "he thought it was one of the nicest things he had seen in a long time", so he thought he would return the favor. Once I was back in position I walked back and thanked him and got some of that Metal back...

Until next time...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps!

1 comment:

Aleea said...

Sometimes even just a *smidge* of the metal back can make your whole day.

The other day I was at breakfast, just enjoying being me. When I went up to the cashier to pay, they asked if I'd donate a dollar to a food program for kids. I donated a buck, what the hey.

Less than 50 feet from the front door, I look down and there is a folded dollar bill.

You give, you get. Sometimes it isn't that obvious though ;)