Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cougar Encounter

Hey blog readers...just thought I would jump on here and make a quick post about something funny that happened to me today. But first, I haven't been on since my Monday night outing with Scully. It was a great time catching up with friends. Let's just say, I told Jen I would be home in a couple of hours. I left at about 5:30 and ended up the night around 11:30. Conversations got the best of me, as they usually do. It was great seeing everyone and it was fun hearing what everyone is up to these days.

Now on to my encounter today. Well I named the blog post today, Cougar Encounter. So beside a one on one with a wild cat, that would only leave an "Older Hot Chick" as my option. Well, I was out of hair gel and was almost to the mall anyway, since I was getting my flu shot, so I went to Ulta. While walking up to the door there was a woman about 5 steps behind me and me being a gentleman, I decided to open the door for her. She was, by most peoples standards, at cougar. She smiled and said thank you. I knew right where I was going, so I headed for the Men's haircare section. She basically crossed my path about 4 or 5 times. Well we ended up in line at the same time and the nice cashier asked me if I had any coupons. I replied no, since I didn't. The "Cougar" offered me one of hers. I gladly accepted and then she got this look on her face, like she wishes she wouldn't have offered. I accepted the coupon with my left hand...well, she must not have seen the ring before. That was the end of her talking to me, or even looking at me. I gladly took the $5.00 off and headed for my truck. She was walking out as I passed and she gave me a dirty look. Sorry...I am taken, and pretty darn happy being taken.

So that is my "Cougar Encounter"...

If you read this Scully, have a safe trip home tomorrow, it was great spending time with you...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.


Ash said...

she should probably work on her approach.

Aleea said...

Nice job on saving $5 though. :)