Friday, October 22, 2010

Political Ads

Hey blog readers...I just thought I would jump on here and post what was currently on my mind. I give this warning...I am not a political in any way. I don't voice my political views in public very much and if you are looking to this blog to figure out my political views, the only thing you are going to get out of this is that I don't like political ads...

So yesterday I was got on Youtube to check out some videos of kids saying funny things and to check out a couple of recent events that occured on TV that I missed. What do you think I had to endure before watching my video...yup, you guessed it, a political ad. It was a local ad to boot. I was thoroughly irritated...seriously. I feel very strongly in my opinion that if you base your vote on commercials you should stay home on election day. Please make a more informed decision on your representation than what they say on the commercial. I actually saw one that basically said one canidate was killing babies...

If you are working on a political campaign, please stop the madness. Please look into more positive advertising. I learned a lesson when I was a child, and hope it isn't too late for you to learn the same lesson. That lesson is that you don't make yourself look better when you try to make someone else look bad. You only make yourself look desperate and childish.

That is all I have for now...Have a great weekend everyone.

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.


Ash said...

completely agree!! if anything the commericals could make a person not want to vote at all!

Aleea said...

Amen, brother Jay, AMEN. I love politics but my mailbox and television viewing has barfed up the worst of the worst in political ads. I voted weeks ago (absentee) and find myself with a full recycle bin and flipping channels constantly.