Sunday, June 1, 2008

I survived...and so did the family

Hey blog readers...while you are reading this, I am on the couch at my house surrounded once again by the chaos that is my life at home. And I am loving it.

I survived Friday's meetings. We finally after some good debate and some debate that would bore you to death voted on the merger of the conferences. I won't know the results of those votes until next week, but I am confident that we made the right decision.

Friday evening I went out to dinner at South Street Smoke House. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Yummy smoked meats...and the sauces were to die for. Then I made the trek to the movie theatre and watched the new Indiana Jones. I would recommend it if you are a previous fan of that franchise, but if you are not...then don't expect it to change your opinion.

Saturday morning after voting on the budget...I was out of there. I made my way north to LaPorte and met Jenny, Sharkboy and Jillerbeans at a graduation party. Sharkboy played like a mad man and was happy to be outside playing. He was also beside himself happy to see me. I must admit the feeling was mutual. Then we made our way home...and some much needed catching up.

I worked last night at Sta. 1...but there was nothing to report there, but some cigar smoking and general fraternization. Sta. 3 caught a mutual aid fire...that shit never happens for me. But I digress...

Today we woke up and headed for Church. Our Pastor is taking a leave of abscence from being a Pastor and today was the farewell Potluck. She will however be in the pulpit for the remainder of the month. Our new Pastor will arrive the first part of July. Then it was time to come home and try to catch the yard up. I mowed and mowed and mowed some more. I am beat and ready to spend the night in my bed for the first time in 6 nights.

On the plan for this week, I am working Tues, Thurs. and Sat. and the part time gig on the other days. So that is about it...oh wait. I heard a joke...

There is a new golfer arriving at the first tee of his first round of golf. He has all the gear, new clubs, shoes, name it, he has it. He stretches out and tees his ball up. Not noticing that he had placed it in an ant hole. He takes a swing. The kind of swing you would imagine would crush the ball down the fairway. But he misses and in his miss he sends 100 ants to their maker. He recoils and takes another swing...this time launching 75 more into the heavens. He continued this assault a couple more times until finally there were just 2 ants left. The one ant looks at the other and says...we better get on the ball or we are going to die.

With that I bid you good night...

Be kind, be safe...

Shalom my peeps!

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