Thursday, June 12, 2008

The land of weird happenings...

Hey blog readers/fans. I just wanted to make a program note...Sunday Jenny and I are leaving for "Sin City". But have no fear...I will be blogging the trip. Hopefully with something at least everyday. So stay tuned...and now for your regularly scheduled blog.

So on with catching you up with my life...

No Raccoon sitings this week. We must have scared the bee-jesus out of the little critter and he ran for the woodland. Good! I can't say that I will miss the little pest.

Mon. & Tues. I worked the part time job, with nothing too big to report. Lots of sweating, due to the heat. Lots of drinking of water due to the sweating so I didn't dehydrate myself. Tues. night I was ripping some CD's onto I-tunes. We have an enormous collection of 80's and early 90's CD's that I thought might be nice to have on the computer to drop on the I-pod. So for those of you not familiar with me, I am a gadget freak. My wife, not so much. So because of this, she is usually in my hand-me down gadgets. You know, new one comes out, can't throw old one out, give it to wife routine. So she had my old I-river MP3 player. I was trying to put music on it and it would not go. So we decided she needed an I-pod. So long story short, we purchased her a Nano so she could watch movies too. She is happy and looking forward to getting a cute little case for hers, so she doesn't get it mixed up with mine.

Yesterday was a day of little weird happenings. It started off with Sharkboy waking up on his own and being in the most pleasant mood. That is not usual. Much like his Mommy, he loves his sleep. So when he doesn't feel like he has had enough, he is a little bear. Then on the way to the babysitter, we both witnessed a woman walking down the street backwards. Yes sports fans backwards. Not talking to someone, not just making sure she didn't miss the freight train accident she was walking by...backwards. Not sure what that was about. Dropped the midget off at the babysitter and on the way back the lady must have corrected her trajectory, because now she was walking forwards. Weird. Then got my haircut and in a not so weird turned out awesome. Thanks again Cassi you are the best...I mean it.

So I stopped at Jenny's office to pick something up and to offload some coffee I had previously consumed, I witnessed an old woman yelling at an excavator operator. Like he planned the construction that interrupted her path that she apparently did not know an alternative to. Now, not so weird, but the weird part is...the guy didn't even know she was yelling at him. She jumped...I use the term loosely...out of her car and started yelling at his machine. He never even heard a word she said. He smiled and waved and then my light changed. Hopefully he didn't come down from his fossil fuel consuming beast and beat the stink out of her Depends.

Now for the final thing that occurred to me yesterday. I was finally driving to work after a morning of errands. I was approaching an intersection and there was a truck pulled off the side of the road and several woman yelling and waving at it. I thought maybe they knew them or they were just trying to get the vehicles attention...well boy was I wrong. When I got closer the smoke started to come out of the drivers side wheel well, they were yelling at their own car on fire as if that would help. So me...being the good Samaritan that I am...stopped and thought I should render some aid. You know, I did actually get trained on how to deal with such a situation. So I exited my truck, walked over(I must add here, that I was extremely calm...we are talking seasoned veteran calm). I asked if everybody was out of the vehicle and they said yes. I got my extinguisher from my truck and began to attempt to extinguish it. Usually I am quite successful with such a venture. No so much this time. I attempted to open the hood, but it had burned through the release mechanism. So I had to just aim up in the wheel well. So my extinguisher is now empty, fire smaller, but not our...slight panic setting in, but not visible to the civilians(I am a professional) working on plan B...when a nice man in a cement mixer (I know I wasn't expecting it either) pulls up, and tells me..."I have 250 gallons of water, and it is all yours if you need it". Of course, I didn't skip a beat...I took him up on it, and put the fire out. Fire engine pulls already out. They accessed the hood, and no more extinguishment was needed. Now why do I tell this story...well it was funny to me, since while at work I haven't seen fire for some time, and then off duty I get one and get to put it out. It is a strange funny world we live in.

Well, I am about ready to call it a night. Some things I am looking forward to before Vegas. Packing tomorrow, and then some Daddy time with Sharkboy in the afternoon. Also on Saturday, we are going to have a little cook out at the station, so I can see Sharkboy for a bit before he heads off on Bacation(didn't spell it wrong, that is what he calls it) in Grandparent land.

That is all for tonight...

So...Be Kind, Be Safe...stay cool and hydrated.

Shalom my peeps!!!


Scully said...

I have actually witnessed similar functions of backwards walking seems it works different muscles than a normal walk....same for the brain I spose..LOL

Scully said...

I have actually seen people do this claiming it works out different muscles in their legs/brain....WHACKOS