Saturday, June 7, 2008

There's a critter in the apparatus bay...

Howdy blog readers. It has been a few days since my last post. I have been busy, but with nothing really notable. Just the usual few weeks leading up to a much needed vacation, and after 3 nights in a row at the firehouse, I am ready for a vacation. Look out we come.

Worked the part time gig Wed. and Fri. I am really frustrated again, but it isn't because of the usual suspect. I think it is just the heat and humidity and the fact that I really don't "need" the part time job. Add into that, I am not getting as much time with Sharkboy or Jenny and you can see my frustration. Hopefully next week will be better. Otherwise, I am going to have to make some decisions on my future as a forklift operator when I return from vacation.

Thursday we continued our construction project here at the station. We currently have the wall built, insulated and drywalled and currently are doing the taping and mudding. We should finish it up our next day on shift. It is already feeling better in there, both quieter and the temperature doesn't fluctuate nearly as bad.

I worked overtime last night at Sta. 1. It was a pretty quiet night, but I just can't get a very good nights sleep there. I always wake up like every hour, worried I am going to miss something.

Today we started our day with some training. We tried to get out before the weather got too muggy and hot, and for the most part we were successful. Then we lubed the tanker. Now when I signed up to be a firefighter I had no idea that one day I would feel comfortable crawling under a tanker and lubing the chassis. Now, I am by no means a mechanic and I still need to have assistance, but lube the chassis got done.

Now, when we came into work this morning...the Lieutenant from A-shift advised us that we had a critter coming in the station a relieving himself on the floor under the tanker, and that we should make a habit of leaving the doors closed. However he discounted the poo with being left over from the raccoon that was removed the previous week by the humane society. So we went about our days not giving it another thought. Well tonight...I walked out in the bay to put the grill outside to cook some yummy Brats. (Thanks Jenny...the were great) And I looked at the floor and, I made a mess of this floor lubing the chassis, we really need to clean it. When I looked closer, it was foot prints of an animal...bloody footprints. Also more poo under the tanker. Now I was just under that tanker like 2 hours prior and there was no poo.

Well the hunt was on. Upon further investigation we found that the bloody foot prints were all over the bay. They even were up on some of the apparatus. Well Dan opened the door of the tanker to get a flashlight and saw a raccoon in the tanker and he said it took off away from him. From then on we have been looking for this little critter with no luck. I am hoping that he found his way outside. The last thing I want to do is go out in the bay for a call at night and meet him face to face. So stay tuned...I will update if necessary.

Well tomorrow I give my conference update in church. No big deal. Then it will be home to do yard work and start going through outfits for Vegas. I am so jacked for this vacation...

That is all I have for tonight, but I would like to make some shout outs. AAK, your blog is coming along nicely. I hope you are enjoying it. Athena...I think you have made the right decision with J-A. I do like your suggestions for Karma though. OK...that is it for now.

So until next time...Be Kind, Be Safe.

Shalom my peeps.

1 comment:

Ash said...

When should I drop Kota dog off for the coon hunt??