Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where did this 4-day go?

Howdy blog readers...sorry for the delay in posts. It has been a very busy 4-day. I can't believe in less than 12 hours I will be back to work. Well here is the run down.

Funny Sharkboy story: While Jen's cousin Lenny was installing our hardwood floor in the hallway, they were unable to get to the bathroom. Well he had to go. So, Jenny suggested they go out and pee on the bush. He was resistant, thinking he would get in trouble. So she made her case a little stronger and added the "Mommy said it's alright" clause to the deal. She went out with him and he peed on the bush. After that he was like a wild animal. I think, from the description Jenny gave, we should not have any animals taking up residence in our yard. Bushes Marked! So if you drive by the house and there is a little boy with his pants around his ankles facing a bush...have no fear, it is just Sharkboy marking his territory.

Ok...Monday was a part time gig day. I was a little bit of a slave driver, I think I almost killed Julie. I wanted to make sure that we were caught up for the week, so I just busted some ass and made sure that it wasn't the only one working that hard. Then in the evening I caught UNC's softball games. We (AAK and I) enjoyed cigars and beer at the game. After the game we hit Barnaby's for pizza.

Tuesday I worked the morning at the part time gig. Then it was off to the golf course with FiL. What an awesome time. I didn't play well on the front nine, but I really came to life on the back. I was very pleased with my performance on the back.

Wednesday was another day in the warehouse. It was swealtering...I am serious, when I left my jeans were soaked with sweat. It was absolutely gross...I wanted to throw up. Instead, I showered.

Today I went to QI/QA at the hospital. It is basically report and patient care review and audit. It was as always...pretty dry. But I need the hours for my recertification by Oct. 1st. Then I made my way to Lowes and picked up need materials for projects. Once that was complete, I picked up Sharkboy from the babysitter and spent some time with him. He needed some Daddy time. We did some grilling tonight, and now we are watching So you think you can dance. I am really so over all of this reality TV. What every happened to a summer of reruns...?

Well tomorrow I am back to work. Then Sat. and Sun. I will be in class, more of the recertification stuff. So it may not be until Monday until the next until next time.

Be Kind, Be Safe...stay cool in this heat.

Shalom my Peeps.

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