Monday, July 7, 2008

Fireworks, Wine, Friends and Family and WTF is with all the clowns?

Hey blog readers...I think I have completely recovered from the weekend, well other than the sunburn(more to come on that). So here you is my weekend.

4th of July night managed to be uneventful for us. We listened to the war like sound of fireworks around us, but due to the fact that our station is located in a pit. We don't get to see anything unless it is right next to us, and our neighbors would never launch quiet night meant rested Jay for Red, White and BBQ festival.

Well we packed the truck with the EZ Up canopy, bag chairs and some little portable tables. Jen put together some munchies too. We made the voyage to Round Barn Winery for the Red, White & BBQ Festival. FiL and Little Amigo were there as well as Phil & Sherry (their Friends) and Tommy and Kelly(Firefighter friend and his wife). We as a group were able to polish of 9 bottles of wine. Jenny had an additional 3-16oz. Sangria's and a Vodka Slushy. I had an additional 2 beers. The day consisted of Drinking, story telling and fun. The only draw back was that there was this be-otch that told us we couldn't eat our munchies. They don't allow outside food during festivals. I think they should rethink this rule since we spent as a group close the $350 dollars and I feel confident that our munchies would not have changed that.(OK back to the happy) I don't think from the consumption that I need to tell you there was lots of inhibition reduction. The best part was we laughed a lot, and got to spend time in the beautiful weather with good wine and great friend(and family).

Sunday I woke up with a little bit of a headache, but I got up and headed to the golf course. UNC was playing in the Mishawaka metro and I met him when he made the turn. I was his "caddie". Which basically meant I rode in the cart and ride around the course while he played. It was fun...

Later on Sunday I went home and got out the power washer. I power washed the deck to prepare it for the sealer that I will apply in the next few days. I managed to burn my self to a crisp doing this. My neck and the tops of my feet are the worst. I actually think that the skin should start sloughing off very soon. I have been meaning to get some sun on the tops of my feet, but I definitely over did it. Sunday Evening UNC brought burgers over and we had an impromptu cook out.

The title eludes to a question that I have pondered over the last several days. WTF is with all the clowns? I don't mean this as a joke or description of otherwise normal people. I mean real breathing, big shoe wearing, red nose sporting white face clowns. While returning from the Golf course on Sunday I was trying to turn down a road and just prior to my intersection a van full of clowns cut me off and caused me to switch lanes, making me miss my turn. Well being a fireman I have a good handle on the streets and roads, so I created my own detour. I cussed under my breath at the clowns and went on my merry way(no pun intended). Well my detour took me through downtown South Bend. While traveling through town I was near a local television station...and what do you think I see? Another damn So I continued home. I am an open minded person. I understand that around Christmas you will see Santa's driving around...I accept this. But clowns bother me. Honestly...I don't like their gloves(but there isn't enough time to go into that). Clown siting are rare, and 2 in one day seems to be odd. But I didn't let it bother me and I chalked it up to Karma since I cussed at the clowns after the unfortunate missed turn.

Today I had P.A.L.S. (Pediatric Advanced Life Support). It is a re certification course that I need to re certify as an Intermediate EMT. It really is dry material, but it is a necessary evil in my life(another reason, sometime I don't want to be grown up anymore). Well at the lunch break from class I decided to go see Jenny at her work. I don't often get to see her at lunch due to the geographic distances between our places of employment. Well I mentioned this to the instructors while I was leaving and they said they were sorry I had to do that. That bothered me...I really like my wife. She is great, and I don't want that to change. I told them, that if I was held at gunpoint and had to choose between going to class all day or hanging out with Jenny, it wouldn't even be a decision. Jenny would win out every time. So after class I was driving home. Enjoying a nice leisurely drive home. I stop at a light very close to my house. I am a left lane driver in town. I don't know why, but I am. So I pull up to the light. I have a habit when sitting at intersection I look into other vehicles and see if I know anybody. Well I look in the vehicle to my left (Left turn lane) and guess was filled with 4 damn clowns. No Joke...They all looked at me and smiled. Now I am freaked out...

Well the rest of the week is work...part time gig Tues. & Thurs. I start my rotation on Wednesday. No big events on the upcoming calendar, so stay tuned to see what pops up(and if you know how to ward off clowns...please let me know ASAP...)

Be Kind, Be Safe...and don't piss off the clowns.

Shalom my Peeps.

1 comment:

Scully said...

FUcking clowns....LMAO