Saturday, March 13, 2010

A post from the trenches

Hey blog readers. I have a few extra minutes that I can post something in the middle of this 48 hour shift. Thought I would jump on here and do procrastinating.

The shift hasn't been too bad. I have run a few calls, got some sleep last night and for the most part I am not completely exhausted. We will see what tonight holds...

Time change tonight for my Daylight Savings Time friends...tonight roughly at 2 am we will spring ahead an hour. That means we should see the sun later into the evening and that my friends is a bright spot in my life.

Sharkboy and Jenny came to visit me today. It was really nice to see them. I hate to put them through these 48 hour shifts...especially on a weekend. They are both very understanding and I really count myself as blessed having them and their support. I ran into a friend of mine at the ER the other night. He is an emergency room physician and I haven't really talked to him in a few years. We exchanged the normal pleasantries as you would imagine. We chatted about things and he tugged on my wedding ring and asked how it was fitting these days. I told him that it was great. He reminded me that I should appreciate my wife and appreciate how much she does and supports me. I thought that a very nice thing to say and thought I would take this opportunity to say...I love you honey and thank you for all that you do to support me. I appreciate it and you.

So that is about all I have at this point. I am looking forward to spending time tomorrow with family and friends. We will be hitting Granite City for brunch with some great people and later bid Jen's cousin farewell. He is heading south to work in Tennessee to take a new job with his fiance' and her kids. Good luck to them. Also if all goes well I will finally get my hands on my World Famous Cigar bar autographed cigar box and cigars.

Have a safe night everyone...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.

1 comment:

Aleea said...

Hope you are well my friend. Give my love to Jenny and the Sharkboy.