Friday, March 19, 2010

Peculiar thoughts of a Peculiar man.

Hey blog I spent some time in the truck running errands. Usually that gives me time to think about things that are going on in my life. Well today I had some really weird thoughts. Some of which follow...

Why do we think the way we do? Why do we ponder things? I wish I had the answers...but oddly I do not. The following are some thing that popped into this cob web filled skull I carry around on my shoulders. Enjoy...they have provided me many laughs over the years.

Why are men attracted to breasts? Seriously, unless you were a hungry infant a breast provides nothing significant to men. Don't get me wrong I am not ready to hang up my manly ways and stop finding breasts attractive. I am just perplexed. A very good friend once stated the following about breasts and it fits "Boobs are weird". Another friend once said "They taste like arm". 2 very peculiar but fitting quotes when it comes to boobs.

Why do we drive on a parkway, but park in a driveway? (an oldy but goody) I got nothing...why do we?

When someone eats something weird why do we freak out? I gotta say that guy that one day thought it would be tasty to eat a cow was a genius. I am sure his buddies thought he was a bit crazy, but genius none the less. Somebody has to eat new things the first time. Think about it...Pigs=Ham, bacon, sausage etc. I am sure the people that ate pigs first were thought to be crazy, but look at us now. Chicken eggs, cows milk, caviar...just to name a few had to be someone way off their rocker. But I thank them for their courage.

When someone tastes something bad, why do they offer it to us to taste? I am a pretty trusting person. If one of my friends tastes something and it is horrible, I will take their word for it. I don't need to personally validate an items level of nasty.

Why do we laugh out loud when we are alone? I myself am not one of those people. I actually think of laughter as an outward sign that you find something funny. If I am alone, I don't laugh out loud. For example: I am currently watching The Hangover. Arguably one of the funniest movies ever made. Not a single outburst of laughter. An occasional smile I will admit to, but no laughter.

Global warming, is it real? I froze my ass off this winter. I won't lie. I am not buying into the whole global warming argument. I am 36 y/o and have lived my whole life in a Midwest climate. Cold winters, hot summers and delightful springs and falls. I have not noticed a change in our winters. We still get a butt load of snow, we still get bitter cold and we still have that nasty phenomenon known as lake effect. I am calling global warming from now on an Environmentalists scare tactic.

Why do we call them Chicken fingers? Fingers are not in a chickens anatomy. So why?

I could go on and on and on and on...

That is all my deep thoughts for now...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.


Aleea said...

My friend, many of your questions are mine, although I must admit to laughing aloud when I am alone. Particularly when I read a dear friend's blog that describes the taste of breast like "arm." I Howled.

Thank you.

Awesome Aunt Kelly said...

Boobs are weird.