Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's been a long time...

Hey blog readers...If I had a dollar for everytime I said I was going to post something tomorrow, well I would have about 20 bucks. I have had a whirl wind last couple weeks, and they are going to continue to whirl. Lots going on, but that is no excuse for denying my blog readers an here you go.

First I would like to touch on my New Years goal...well as many of you can remember, it is to have a good time with friends and family and never pass up an opportunity to have fun. Well somehow the last month I have strayed from that. No worries friends I have a grasp on the tiller of that ship and we are coming back on course. I made the mistake and letting someone else change my mood. It is funny how one experience with someone can bring you down. I have spent my whole life not letting someone else dictate my mood. I slipped and let it happen. I am reminded that I am human and that it is time to get back to just being me and not let bitter angry power hungry people adjust my mood...enough about that though...

Some things I have been pondering lately...The air traffic controller that let his son talk on the radio and all the press that followed. I guess I am just pretty light hearted about this. I think it is great. I have a job that my son thinks is a pretty cool job, as I am sure his son thought about his job. I have let my son come and visit and hang out with me...he has never gone to a fire, car accident or medical, but he has sprayed the hose, honked the horn and turned the lights on. I guess I look at it this way. He was in the tower surrounded by professionals that do this everyday. He was obviously coached and he was only doing ground control (not that, that is easy Skully...). I feel pretty strongly that no ones life was in danger and the pilots seemed to like it. Airline pilots and air traffic controllers have a very stressful job. This is one of those times that they got to express their "human side".

Just across the state line a 14 y/o boy killed his grandfather. That is horrible! I can't think of any reason to kill anyone, but your grandfather? I hope they hold his as responsible as an adult. You make adult decisions, you get adult consequences.

Funny thing I saw today...I was walking accross the parking lot at Walgreens. There was a nice older black woman walking across the parking lot. She was carrying a huge purse, smiling at people as they passed and greeted me with a very nice hello. She continued accross the parking lot. I noticed her hair was a bit out of place. It was Platinum Blond and straight. I just shrugged it off. I got in the truck and as habbit for me, I was backed into the parking spot. So I had a front row seat for what unfolded. The wind was blowing a bit...not hard, just a pretty good breeze. When all of a sudden her Platinum blonde hair blew right off her started across the parking lot. Her hair underneath was was about a 1/2 inch brillow pad like hair. She pursued it and the language that was coming out of her mouth was not that of a sweet old lady. She finally captured her prey about 25 feet away. She shook it out...placed it back on her head and continued into the store hand on her head and pleasently greeting passers by...I finished laughing and continued on my way.

I am currently doing a month long rotation on the Medic truck. I am trying to get my "Lead Status" in the county. I had forgotten how long a shift on the medic could be. I guess I have been spoiled on the engine. Typically a medical call on the engine at 2 am means I will be back in the station and in bed by 2:45 or 3:00. On the might as well figure getting back around 4am or so. So needless to say there are some sleepless nights. It will be a long month, but worth it to get my Lead.

Sharkboy is doing great. The weather seems to be breaking for spring, so he is outside more. He is doing pretty well in school...He asked me this morning if I would go to school with him. I told him I could not go to school with him. He replied Dad, it is only Kindergarten, I think you know this stuff. I assured him it wasn't the academic challenge that concerned me.

Well that is about all I have for now...I am happy to announce that the spring outdoor cigar season has started, thank the lord for sunshine, warmer air and time to enjoy a nice cigar.

Until next time...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my peeps!


Aleea said...

Glad you are back, friend. When we truly lose control in our lives is when we grant others the right to dictate our mood. Let us continue on fighting the good fight -- for happiness, joy, good beer and days in the sun :)

Ash said...

hahaha it's only kidergarten, leave it to Ethan to have such a witty comeback.

Awesome Aunt Kelly said...

you keep talking about cigars. jen and i were suppose to have one during the daytona 500, but that didn't happen. *sigh*