Thursday, February 18, 2010

A little catch up

Hey blog readers...sorry it has been so long since my last post. I have been busy watching the Olympics. I don't really follow the Summer Olympics like I do the winter. I just love the Winter Olympics.

Funny Sharkboy story. The other night I was pestering Jen in the kitchen. Sharkboy was out in the living room playing. Jen gave me one of those thoroughly irritated looks(I recognize this look because I am capable of soliciting it, often...). I made the joke to her that she had that "stab you in the eye with a toothbrush look". She laughed and we went on with our evening. Later that night I had finished reading with Sharkboy in bed and we were playing until Jen came in to do the bed time prayer and the customary goodnight kiss and when she came in she gave us "the look"...Sharkboy covered his eyes and said "quick Daddy cover your eyes, she is going for the toothbrush". The room was filled with laughter. Just goes to show us he is listening even when don't think he is.

Other than that...everything else is pretty much the same. This snow is becoming pretty cumbersome to find fun stuff to do. I can't wait for spring...

Until next time, or I think of something else to blog about...

Be Kind, Be Safe...GO USA!

Shalom my Peeps!

1 comment:

Aleea said...

Mom and I laughed a good one over this. Love to the three of you.