Thursday, February 4, 2010

He makes me laugh until it hurts

Hey blog readers...nothing, really huge going on today in my life. Jenny is good, Daisy is well Daisy and I seem to continue to wake up on the right side of the dirt every is good!

Sharkboy tonight in the tub had Jenny and I laughing so hard it hurt. Now, I would like to start off with that Sharkboy loves his baths. He will sit in the tub until he either becomes hypothermic or he is pruned beyond recognition. So he was in the tub and called for Jen to come see him. She laughed a laugh that only comes from the heart. A hearty laugh that says what she is experiencing is pure and simple funny. I walked down the hall and the image that unfolded in front of me caused me to laugh equally as hard as Jen. Sharkboy was squatted down in the tub, in all of his unabashed glory. He was holding a snorkel like a cane(not really sure why a 6 y/o has a snorkel in the tub, but stranger things have occurred, so I won't dwell). He then said in his best old man voice "I am on my way to Hula classes". That was accompanied by a hilarious hula dance and song all in old man character. He then proceeded for the rest of the night to act like and old man. Snorkel cane and hunkered over the rest of the evening.

Remember to look around and don't be afraid to laugh at what you see....sometimes it is the best option.

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.

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