Friday, February 5, 2010

Great, more snow!

Hey blog there is more snow in our very near future, and that is very displeasing to me.

Now don't tell me I am being ridiculous just because I live in Northern Indiana and live in the snow belt. I don't have to like it...nothing about living here requires me to like it. Because frankly until the last couple of years I didn't mind it at all. Maybe I am getting old, I don't know. My recent trip to Florida opened my eyes to this whole "Snowbird" lifestyle. Until that trip I never understood "Snowbirds". Why in Sam hill would any one want to commute to the south to get away from the snow to come back to humidity and heat? Well I think I am starting to understand. It was very nice to be able to go outside, not in a multitude of layers, and enjoy yourself. It wasn't hot, but it was nice. It would be nice to have the biggest worry was the Palms may get frost damage, not do I have to wake up early and shovel the newly fallen snow. Or, man I have to wear a light jacket to the golf course this morning, not that Parka I used to have to wear in January/February in Indiana...and the whole coming back in the summer. I see why, who wants to ride out a tropical storm or hurricane. It is the best of both worlds. No worries though, no plans on becoming a "Snowbird" anytime soon. But I wouldn't rule it out in the future.

Nothing big today to report. I am at the fire station and things seems to be running smoothly at home. Tomorrow we have Sharkboy's birthday party at the fire station. All the boys from his class will be joining us in a testerone filled fire station. Should be a good time, what boy doesn't like fire trucks, firemen, pizza and cupcakes. Then we have Trivia night at Sharkboy's school. I am really looking forward to have some "adult time out". No idea on how the night will work, but everyone is saying how good of a time it will be, so I am going into it with an open mind and looking forward to some fun (and again, that fits right into my "New Years Resolution"). Win or lose, I plan to have fun.

So until next time...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps!

1 comment:

Ash said...

Please you'll enjoy it. Food+adults only+showing off your smarts=a good time