Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas stuff...

Hey blog you know it has been quite some time since I last posted. I have once again been hit with a case of being very busy and when I get time to post, I just am too lazy/tired to actually post. So here is the run down from the last few days...

Sharkboy had his Christmas program. Good stuff, I have grown to appreciate the choral efforts of the pre-school demographic. You know Jingle Bells (or the first part of it...over and over and over again). I have finally discovered that all this time I thought it was the "Round Young Virgin", when all this time it was actually the "Wound Young Burgin"(that clears things up...). But they had a blast and it is sad for it to be our last program at PDO. Big boy school next year.

I completed my Christmas shopping about a week ago(Thanks B.O.P.). I finished wrapping today at the firehouse and am happy to report that I actually have Jenny's Birthday present already as well...(completely out of character for me). I hope she likes her presents...I put a lot of effort into them as I always do...

Work has been a little on the crazy side. We have been hit pretty hard with cold weather and snow pretty early this year. Today we hit a whopping 10 above zero as our high. It is getting a little old. But they say by the weekend we should be in the 40' we should all be sick by Monday. Just remember a couple things when you are traveling this holiday though. Slow down if the weather is bad and give the emergency workers some room. They don't want to be hit anymore than you want to be late for your holiday gathering. We also don't close down lanes/roads for no reason. I have to be honest...when it is 4 degrees outside, I have a lot more fun thing to do than stand in a roadway. Just give us a little room and we will be out of your way soon....

Well the Sharkfamily (as coined by Athena) has big plans this Christmas. We will be celebrating at Mimi & Papa's (L.A. and F.i.L.) on Christmas Eve, and then on Christmas we will once again hit the trails and have Christmas at my parents. Followed by some post cocktails and visiting at Mimi and Papa's again(see a trend). I am also hoping to squeeze in a visit with Athena and Sister. I think I remember them saying they are going to be in town this week sometime.

So if we don't see you before or during...have a Safe and Happy Holiday.

Until next time(who know when that will be, but it will be soon)

Be Kind, Be Safe (Stay Warm)

Shalom my Peeps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Blessed and Merry Christmas to You and your family! From all of The Guardians of the Ribbon, never forget Pink Heals!