Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The weather isn't bad if your a sea otter...

Hey blog readers...been a little while since my last post. Since then, I seem to have the original laptop running ok. But according to my computer geek friend it may not last for very long. He basically said it could last a week, or a year, or an hour. No tellin'. So we purchased a new one...well a refurbed/used one and I am posting on it now.

Since the last post we met up with Athena and Sister. It was amazing. We got to catch up, which is always nice. We got to eat yummy food, and the beer was amazing. Oh yeah...and we had dessert, shhhhh don't tell anyone.(I know...) But we also got our latest installment of beer from "Brew". He is a true artisan, and he is a master in his craft. I hope to learn from him someday soon when I undertake my own brewing adventures.

Not a lot of other stuff has happened. Jenny and I had a date night the other night. It was very nice. We finished Sharkboy's Christmas shopping and went out to dinner together. We hit Granite City Brewery and Food. It was sooooo good. So good that I went back on Monday for lunch. I have to say that it was truly nice to go out to eat and not have to check the Menu for chicken strips or Mac & Cheese. It was also nice to eat my food and not cut his up first. I love that little guy, but sometime we need Mommy and Daddy time.

Some observations I feel compelled to vent about: When you come to a stop light and they have a white line painted on the ground. Stop behind it! It is there for a reason... If you are not comfortable driving in the snow...move or stop driving form Nov. to Mar. You most likely end up in a position in which you have to drive in the white stuff. Why does the snowplow always come by after I have shoveled the driveway? ok...that is all I can come up with right now.

A big Thanks to Absofab for picking up Sharkboy from school. I am sure tomorrow I will hear all about how awesome it was to run errands with you. Thank you...

Well that is all I have for now...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.

1 comment:

Awesome Aunt Kelly said...

THANK YOU on the weather thing. I feel compelled to say that if you don't have 4 wheel drive, get out of my way!