Saturday, December 13, 2008

They hang out and...

Hey blog readers...I wanted to jump on and share a little Sharkboy story. You know what they (whoever they are) say, "kids say the darndest things".

Well we have a little tradition around our house that we hang a stocking for "The Christmas Elf" to put things in. You know, little gifts to gear us up for Christmas. Just little toys or stuff to encourage being good during the season.

So Sharkboy and are I going down the road today and he asked if I thought the Christmas Elf had stopped at the house when we were at the Firehouse seeing Santa. I told him that I didn't think he would, since he got something from Santa today. He then asked how Christmas Elf knew that he got something from Santa. I immediately responded that Santa and Christmas Elf hang out together. Quiet I figured that was that. Well then when we got home he asked if when Santa and Christmas Elf hung out if they smoked cigars. I said I was sure they know a couple of guys hanging out smoking cigars and swapping stories. He then said "I bet they don't drink beer though...they don't want to be like you and Papa, they are way cooler"... I guess I know where I fall in now.

Have a safe weekend...I am sure I will have some material tomorrow after the Christmas party tonight. Jenny is planning some karaoke...

Until next time...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps!

1 comment:

laurieedwards said...

He is so darn cute Jay! Kids do say the funniest things!