Thursday, August 21, 2008

Decisions, decisions....

Hey blog readers...things are good here in the "Bend". Thought I would jump on here and update a few things and toss out some things on my here we go.

Soccer last night was a blast. Sharkboy I don't think is really cut out for this whole soccer thing. I understand he is 4 and he lacks focus most of the time, but he just runs around like a wild man the whole time talking to the other parents, the coaches(flirting with coach Ashley...good eye E-man) and basically everything but play soccer. The super fast button did make an appearance, as did the super power shoes. Not really sure what either of those are about, but it is clear this kid has an imagination like you wouldn't believe.

Now to the things on my mind...

As many of you know I work a part time job. Sadly I think it is becoming too much for me. I haven't accomplished most of the things that I wanted to this summer. I feel like all I do is work and I think it is coming time that I either cut ties or cut back drastically. Now my boss is in the loop on this, but I feel like I may be leaving him in a tough place if I leave. On the same thought, if I stay, I put myself in a rough spot. I feel like I am stuck in between a rock and hard spot...

The fire station is a dynamic all it's own...I hinted at some things that were bothering me on the last blog, and sadly that is about as far as I can go. I am not sure who reads this and don't want to put all the cards on the table...if you know what I mean. (I plead the 5th)...

The church that our family attends recieved a new Pastor in July. I have to say that she does nothing for me. She leaves me with nothing. I am empty when I get there and empty when I leave. She is a very poor communicator and organizer. Her idea of organizing is, say people will do things, committ them to do things and then they find out they are supposed to do it when someone tells them or they read it in one of the publications from church. She never asks anyone anything. I am really frustrated, because I don't want to just jump ship. I have attended this church since I was a kid, Jenny has too. I don't know who to tell, or complain to. I know I am not alone. I have had several conversations with people and they all end the same..."I am not sure I like her". I know...I have to give people a chance. Well, I am not an expert, but I do like to think I do pretty well with first impressions and hers so far has not been monumental. She strikes me as the type of person who has always gotten what she wanted...well she may be disappointed real soon. I have to tell you, the thought of looking for a new church turns my stomach...I don't have time to paint my front porch...let alone find a new church.

Well that is about it...I feel like I should add here. The family is awesome, friends...awesome. I don't want you to get the impression that my life is filled with doom and gloom on the contrary...I laugh hard, love harder and appreciate as much as I am capable of. I have lots of awesome things on the radar. Wine festival this weekend with L.A. & F-i-L(2 of my favorite people on the planet), and the rest of the gang. Ludington in about a month(aka Wienerfest 2008), and Indy in November(whole family 10 yr. anniversary trip). I just wanted to vent some things and see if clarity follows...we will see.

So for now...(Thank you for your tolerance and attention)

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps...!

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