Hey Blog Readers...just jumped on to say Happy Thanksgiving. I thought in the spirit of things I am thankful for I would list some...
1. My family (Jenny, Sharkboy and Daisy...)
2. My Mom, Dad and Grandparents.
3. My In-Laws...L.A. and F.i.L. (the Best In-Laws a guy could hope for)
4. My Great Friends (too many to list...come to think of it, Thankful for that too)
5. Blog Readers...
6. Turkey...enough said (oh yeah, and all the fixin's)
7. Health
8. Laughter (you can never have too much)
9. A Cuban Cigar with my name on it at F.i.L.'s house
10. Planned outing for Austrian Beer on Saturday.
11. All the things I can't think of but will think of after I post this.
So on this Thanksgiving. Hug your family, eat your fill (and then some), and be Thankful for what we have...I will be.
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps.
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