Friday, November 14, 2008

10 years and counting...

Hey blog readers...I apologize for my absence lately. I have been busy and battling a bit of a cold. So energy has been low=little initiative to post.

I will catch you guys up real suspense. Just the usual family of 3 with a 4 y/o stuff.

Today Jenny and I are celebrating 10 years together as husband and wife. I wanted to take a few moments to say some things.

First...I want to express my love for my wife. Jenny you are the best. No it doesn't feel like yesterday, but it feels like a lifetime...but in that good kind of way. You put up with all things Jay, and you manage to smile while you do it(most of the time)... our friends, thank you to all of you for your support. You all have had an impact in our life, even when you don't know it. We could and would not be so happy without great friends like all of you.

To our families...Thank you for setting such a good example for us to follow with long, strong and loving marriages. You have set standards that we can only hope to maintain. We have talked often about our families and how we are who we are because of them (sometimes in spite of them, but allows because).

I would like to take a second to thank F.i.L. and L.A. You guys have welcomed me into your family...I can never tell you enough how much it means to me. Thank you for the opportunity to be in your family and thank you for raising such a wonderful daughter. She is the greatest...I hope you know I Love you guys and look forward to a lot more great times.

Well that is about all I have the time for. Jenny has headed to the mall (here in Indy) and Sharkboy is wanting to do some playing. Dinner tonight with Athena(and date), Sister(Boy Wonder)...can't wait...

We will update more later...

Until next kind, be safe and tell the ones you love you love them...

Shalom my Peeps.


Aleea said...

Hey Jay, just wanted to say a big THANKS for making my birthday extra special. I love the three of you and am so glad you came down.

Happiest of anniversaries to two of the coolest people I know.

Jay said...

Thank you for helping us celebrate 10 years...and having a blast!

I hope your birthday weekend continues to bring you much joy!