Hey blog readers...well, the laptop yesterday took a dump on us as I previously mentioned in the blog. Well we hunted a new one down and purchased it. It is in transit...5-10 business days(free shipping).
Well I had written the brick off...well until I was shaving last night and thought, hey let's throw the old girl a Hail Mary and see what happens. You know she can either catch it and score a touchdown for the win or play like Notre Dame and run a 5 yard passing route and then F. up the pass. Well the old girl had a little in her...so after reformatting the drive and reinstalling the drivers, we can again use it. Our "computer geek" friend said that we may have and hour, a day, or even a year...but the drive is on it's way out.

Well I had written the brick off...well until I was shaving last night and thought, hey let's throw the old girl a Hail Mary and see what happens. You know she can either catch it and score a touchdown for the win or play like Notre Dame and run a 5 yard passing route and then F. up the pass. Well the old girl had a little in her...so after reformatting the drive and reinstalling the drivers, we can again use it. Our "computer geek" friend said that we may have and hour, a day, or even a year...but the drive is on it's way out.

"Sometime I feel like this guy"
So long story short...Laptop up, don't know how long. Now off to Moser's for Austrian Food and Beer at lunch time...
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps.