Well to start off I would like to take a moment of silence to honor the loss of Dan's 8 inches they took from the middle. Hang in there Dan, -4 inches is nothing to be ashamed of. Look at it this way...you won't have any unfounded expectations to live up to...on the serious note though, it is good to have you here this year Dan, we are glad the surgery went well and you are able to at least be here to share some time with us.
Ok...enough of that boring crap. On to the fun. Well for me it has been a successful weekend, 18 holes of golf, 18 holes of Putt Putt and so far one trip for Ice Cream(there is at least one more in my future...Super Pig, pictures to follow). Fire pit last night was a little quiet, with Dan layed up and all. The jello shots are gone. I believe the count was 200+ and they are all gone! I mean gone!, not partly gone, not almost gone...GONE!!! Not a straggler to be found.
The weather has been beautiful...70's and sunny. The evenings have been beautiful as well in low 50's. The girls and some of the less than tough men (sissies if you ask me) have donned the jeans and sweatshirts. I on the other hand have managed in t-shirts and shorts...yah we are up 'n da nort ya know, it's fair wetter up here.
I have to add here that we have noticed a sign every year we come up and I finally took a picture of it. The people up here have completely run out of creative names for roads. They are apparently out of dead Presidents, civil rights figures and generally poplular people to name roads after. Apparently they are out of trees, flowers, bugs or cleaver little titles to give their streets. In this day and age of websites to name kids, companies and cars they have evidentally not come into the 21st century. And here is why I say this...
More travesties have happened...Grammy Karen makes this delightful dessert. I am sure you have all heard of Red Cake. Well Grammy Karen makes the best Red Cake ever. She has managed to make the perfect balance of cake and frosting. I know, I know...you are thinking that is impossible, but...this is my blog and that is how I see it. Ok...back to the story. Last night at the fire pit, in honor of A.A.K.'s birthday on Friday, Grammy Karen made Red Cake. She made enough to share. She was very liberal with her portions(and I appreciate it). Well this morning when the aftermath was being cleaned up there was a very gruesome sight to behold. There were 4 pieces of cake with one bite out of them and left to die. Now that is not acceptable. So the guilty parties should be rittled with guilt. You know who you are...and that is all I have to say!
Well today is the shrimp boil. So I have to go and get ready to make shrimp boil. So I will update more when I get home tomorrow.
So be kind, be safe...
Shalom my Peeps!