Sunday the 1st was Sharkboy's 5th birthday. He is growing up so fast. We had a nice dinner with some family and friends on Saturday before his birthday since I was working at the firehouse on his actual birthday. But fear not, he came to the firehouse and the guys(and some of the extended fire family) greeted him with Happy Birthday and some cake. He was all decked out in his new fireman coat and mask. He had a blast...he is growing up so fast.
The rest of that week I nursed a clogged tear duct. I personally had never heard of such and injury, but I have been educated. Apparently I formed some sort of blockage and my eyelid was retaining tears and it was sore and looked like Jen had hit me with a pipe. I used(and still am)some antibiotic drops and am feeling much better.
On Friday I was watching the news and they announced that President Obama would be visiting Elkhart. How exciting I thought and thought I would try and go see him arrive in South Bend. So Monday when he arrived I was at the airport with AAK and we took some pictures of his arrival. When we arrived at the airport, I went to the area that previous Presidential visits are welcomed. We found a nice fenced off area and were making plans for our pictures. Well we were quickly removed from that area...and had to relocate to a much more distant location(Thank goodness for zoom). Security was thick, but it was one of the coolest things that I have witnessed. There was some very obvious snipers around and they wasted no time getting him into the beast and down the road. I took AAK home and was so interested in the whole event I went back in the afternoon and took some more pictures. Here are some.

The heavy equipment lined up as a barrier
Air Force 1 touching down.
President Obama making his entrance in Michiana
The Beast heading to Elkhart
Air Force 1 a Boeing 747-200B "VC-25" (SAM 28000)
Wheels up...heading to Washington. Thanks for the Visit Mr. President.
Today I took Daisy for a check was a prescheduled thing. So good news for the most part. Her incision is healing very nicely. It completely sealed and we are out of the reopening risk category. Her pins on her fixator are still firm and apparently that is great for a Weim. They are very active and strong and are usually the breed that knocks them loose. Now it was not a trip full of all good news. She finished a round of antibiotics last Friday due to some swelling and infection in the foot. Well the swelling was back and we are only to assume that the infection is as well. So Daisy starts another round of Antibiotics, this time she will be on them until the fixator is removed. Jenny is extatic that they have decided to have her on some continuous treatment, however I have fears of Antibiotic resistance. The Vet was not at all concerned with that...She is doing well over all and has periods of "Our Daisy" but the sedative quickly slows her back down and she is back to napping.
Mimi and Papa (LA and FiL) are enjoying a winter get away in the St. Pete Beach area in Florida. They are having a good time. They are missed, but we are happy that they are getting a break and can't wait for them to get home. So if you guys are reading this...Keep having fun, hit 'em long and straight on Thursday and we will see you when you get home.
That is about it for until next time.
Be Kind, Be Safe...
Shalom my Peeps.
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