Saturday, May 8, 2010

Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking...into the future.

Hey blog readers...hope everyone in the North West Indiana area is staying warm and dry today. It is not pretty outside...but at least it isn't snowing(said with fingers crossed!)

Not a lot of happening right now...yeah right. Daisy came home last night from her 2 night 2 day stay at the vet. It is our best guess(that is all we have right now) that she has Toxoplasmosis. She is responding to the antibiotics. The vet has cautioned us to proceed with cautious optimism, since we don't really know for sure how advanced it was able to get before figuring it out. The good news is she responding and we will take that. The even better news is that dogs respond very well as long as it has not infected/affected her neuro-muscular systems. Fingers again crossed.

I feel like I should add a plug here for our great and caring vetinary staff. The gang at Gilmer Park have been great. The Dr's are incredibly nice and easy to talk to and very caring. Daisy's vet called me today from his daughters soccer Ft. Wayne to answer some questions we had. He is incredible and so is his wife, one of the other magnificent vets that are taking care our Daisy. If you are in need of a Vet in the South Bend area...I can't say enough possitive things about Gilmer Park Animal Hospital.

Sharkboy and I had a boys night out last night. He insisted on Hacienda even though we just had 2 night prior (it was Cinco De Mayo after all). He really had his heart set on Chips, Salsa and Ranch. It was really cute at dinner, he forgot Mommy wasn't with us and almost ordered a small green salsa for her. Then he looked at me and said..."man, I almost forgot this was a boys only night and Mommy isn't here". Good to know he takes care of her even when she isn't there.

Work for me is still kicking along. I am settling into my new assignment and getting used to the routines around here. The station I am at is nicknamed "The Nightmare". So if your curious about my Facebook status updates that reference that, well mystery solved. Lot's of new subdivisions and streets to learn, but if you are learning...your not getting anywhere.

Got a lot coming up this week...Mothers Day tomorrow! Then class during work Monday and then the 4-day, that will include an overtime shift on Tuesday.

I guess since I mentioned it...Happy Mother's Day tomorrow to all the Moms. Especially Jenny. I love that she is the Mother of my son and I Cherish every moment that I can share with her raising our son. She is a great mother, wife and friend. She truly is a blessing in my life. I can't forget my Mom...Thanks Mom for raising me to be a responsible adult and to appreciate the little things in life. Also LA...thank you for raising a great daughter, I have already said it, but she is a great person and I am lucky to have her and you in my life.

That is about all I have now, so until next time...

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.

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