Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lessons learned

Hey blog readers...I hope the rain we are currently in the Michiana area is not dampening any one's spirits. I luckily have been at work through most of it, so I am not looking outside thinking of all the things I should be doing in the yard.

So the title of this blog is "Lessons Learned"...well as you guessed I am going to throw some lessons that I have learned. Either through life experience or life learning(actually listening to other people and learning to no repeat their mistakes). So here we go...

Life at the fire station is not always running into burning buildings and saving people(however that would be pretty fun). It takes a lot of understanding of people and how to live with different personalities. I have recently been reassigned to a new station and have started this process all over. My new partner is pretty long in the tooth(so to speak). He isn't very talkative, and for anyone who knows me that can be frustrating...I do love a good chit chat. So I have a new personality to decipher.

Don't pee into the wind. Not really something you should test, unless of course you are into the wet pants look.

Never look at your Thumb/Finger when pounding nails...you will regret it.

Never underestimate the power of doing nice things. I am married to one of the greatest people in the world, and luckily she appreciates my attempts at being a good person(even though sometimes they fail miserably). People inherently want to feel appreciated and taking a few minutes to show that appreciation will pay huge dividends in the end.

Never forget to say Thank you when someone completes a task or does a nice thing. Doing so can cause that to become a habit and then it is harder and harder to show appreciation.

When you ask someone "How are you?" expect to get an answer. I ask this all the time...and I want to know. It tells me a lot about where a person is in their mind at the time. Even if they say "Fine" you can usually tell if they are or not. It truly is, the easiest question I ask, and it is the best way to size up the current situation.

Now...onto some curious things that I have noticed.

Why is it that the Women's bathroom is so sacred? The firehouse that I am at has one. I have noticed that during the after hours portion of the day(when there is rarely a Female in the building) that room is off limits. I have actually witnessed someone do the "Potty Dance" waiting for the men's bathroom. It is right across the hall from the women's. I think I will try and break down this "social barrier" next time I have to pee...wish me luck.

Why do some people feel that it is important to story trump? Around the firehouse I would say it is very similar to a fish camp. Everyone sitting around when there is down time telling "fishing stories". But there is the occasional story trumper. You know what I mean...they have done things stranger, bigger and more embarrassing than anything you could ever hope to do. Why???

Ok...onto some updates.

Daisy is improving everyday...still some caution in our hearts, but it is great to see her up and moving around and doing "Daisy things" again.

Sharkboy is having some really great days at school. He is growing up everyday and becoming quite the little man. I am so honored to be his Dad and can't wait to continue to watch him grow..

Jenny, had a great Mother's Day. She started with Breakfast that I made. Belgian waffles, Sausage patties and homemade whipped cream. She got a bunch(and I mean bunch) of wild flowers. We have wildflowers in vases all around our house. Then she did some shopping while Sharkboy and I got the front yard in order for the spring time. We made the trek to New Carlisle and spent some time with her parents and dropped a plant off to my Mom(they weren't home or I would have visited there too). Then we finished it off with Homemade Schnitzel. It was a great day for me to honor the Mother of my child and my best friend in the whole world.

That is about all I have for now...

So until next time,

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps.

1 comment:

marci81 said...

Good luck on your bathroom adventure and maybe you can be that person to make your new station partner open up;)