Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Hey blog we approach the coming new year I am reminded all the time the milestones in our lives. My memory really only allows me to remember certain milestones in my life. First: day at a new school, time using a locker at school, dance, kiss, time driving a car. I also remember graduating, first real job, getting engaged, getting married, new jobs, promotions becoming a parent, etc...etc. So some of my childhood milestones can only be remembered through parental recollection...Well as a parent these milestones are those little things that I will have the opportunity to pass on to Sharkboy(and if you have met him in person you know I will need some help remembering them all...)

Well yesterday was one of those milestones. It wasn't as big as his first breath, first bath, first feeding, first smile, first Mommy/Daddy, first step, first using the potty, first day of preschool, first day of real school...etc...etc. But a big first in a world where your mother is a Dental Hygienist. Sharkboy lost his first tooth!

Yesterday started as many would say "a normal day". Sharkboy is on holiday break from school, so sleeping in and playing in your pajamas most of the morning was in line. But in the last month or so he has had a loose tooth(not uncommon for a 5 almost 6 y/o). The unique part was that his adult tooth was coming in right behind it(Prime v Perm proper dental terminology). Not waiting for the baby tooth to come out first. So it has been a focus of Jen Jen's "Dental Professional Eye". Well the time came(after some prompting from Dr. Ricco)that the tooth come out. So we made the trek to the DC for the "Procedure"...

Sharkboy arrived with his typical fan fair at the DC...he is almost a celebrity there. He jumped up in the chair and was put on the "Happy Gas". They applied some topical anesthetic and he was ready. Dr. Ricco talked to him for a bit and then with a "Sneeze"(obvious even to a 5 y/o that it was fake) The tooth was out! High fives were exchanged all around and we were headed home.

So now onto the tooth fairy festivities. Sharkboy spent most of the afternoon & evening on his knees praying to the tooth fairy with requests ranging from $1,000 to some new toys. Friends offered their tooth fairy memories and experiences with their children. Leaving his tooth fairy(ies) with lots of decisions to make. That is a lot of pressure for a fairy(ies). So as he drift off to sleep last night he had no idea what was in store for him in the morning...

This morning he awoke to glitter/fairy dust on his pillow and face and some new toys on his dresser(tooth fairy didn't want to wake a sleeping 5 y/o, damn she is smart). He was pumped...a couple of transformer key chains opened and played with and it was back to his little cars and Nintendo DS.

So, apparently the tooth fairy(so far) is more for the parents than him. He loves his key chains and the thought of waking up with glitter/fairy dust on his pillow. Little does he know when he is older there will be a lot of explaining to do if he wakes up with glitter on his pillow. But all and all it wasn't as big a deal as I thought it would be for him. So the precedent has been set, toys when you lose teeth, and glitter...he seems alright with it all.

On a family update...I worked Overtime last night and received my new shield for my helmet. So now all I have to do is wait for my new badge and the transfer to Captain will be complete. Also for Christmas Jen Jen and I decided to use some of our Christmas money to buys some web cameras. I was shocked to see how many people already had them and enjoyed a couple of nice conversations via the cameras with some very good friends. The coolest part was last night I got to say goodnight to Sharkboy via Skype and I could see him. It isn't the same as being there, but it certainly was nice to see each other. So the Gadget fetish continues...

Tonight I am joining UNC and some friends for a beer and some wings. It has been a long time since I was out in that capacity, and I am looking forward to it. Then tomorrow it is work...New Years Eve and a Full Moon, let's see what that cocktail offers.

So in closing, in this time of remember milestones and memories, try to keep the good ones in the front of your mind. Don't forget the bad ones, we all have things to learn from our experiences (good or bad). But most of all, never pass up an opportunity to make new memories with friends. In the past week I have enjoyed the time I have spent with friends and my newest New Years resolution is to spend more time making memories with Family and Friends.

So wherever your New Years travels take you,

Be Kind, Be Safe(especially)...

Shalom my Peeps!

1 comment:

Aleea said...

Be safe, my friend.

And the glitter on the pillow was a super nice touch!