Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I am back...

Well blog readers...I like to think of my absence as somewhat of a creative sabbatical. I can't say that I haven't been creative or really looking for some sort of creative juices though. I just haven't really felt the need to blog. But recently I have found that I say to myself that there is big pieces of my life and my life experience, that I could blog about. So I thought, what the heck, lets give it a whirl.

My new years resolution is to blog more and have some fun with it. I set this dang thing up and for a good year or so was more than eager to blog. My life has not slowed any and I still have funny stuff happening everyday. So here is today's post, and I hope to post everyday(or close to it from here on out).

Lots going on right now, I really don't have time to spell it all out. But here are some updates from which to start.

Holidays were awesome. I reconnected with my Aunt and Uncle. I wouldn't say we have been estranged or anything of that sort, but we had lunch over the holiday and it was very nice. I really think we are going to make a habit of hanging out with them. They have so many things in common with us, that I think it would be hard for us not purposefully cross our paths more often. My Uncle J, is crazy about Sharkboy and Aunt K is a hoot. So I am sure there will be more time spent with them.

We had pizza, beer and socializing time with Athena...I absolutely love our time with her. She shares a love for many of the things that Jen Jen and I enjoy. I have no other words for our visit than "Absolutely Fabulous". She is a dear friend and I look forward to spending some time with her during my Florida trip in January.

L.A. and F.i.L. came up big this year on the Christmas gift. They always seem to top the last years gift. This year, they gave me a bottle of Hennesey Cognac and 5 Cuban cigars. I absolutely love them(both the gift and them). They are truly a treasure as in laws.

Sharkboy scored a Nintendo DS from Santa. It has been his focus since opening it. He it pretty good at it. I can see why he is so focused on it. Sometimes I have to help him out of a pinch on it and he has an even tougher time getting it back from me. He is doing much better in school. They have taken him off the rainbow system and he is now on a star system. He seems to enjoy that much better. He actually likes going to school...and is missing it during this holiday break.

All is good in Jen Jen's world. She had a nice little vacation over the holiday. She was able to catch up all the things that she needed to do around the house and spend some quality time with Sharkboy and I.

Well that is about all I have for right now...but stay tuned, there will be more.

Be Kind, Be Safe...

Shalom my Peeps!

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